Ok buddy, you only quoted part of what I said. Did you even read the post I linked to? You’re wrong; it’s cool though, we all make mistakes. Accept it and move on.
You don’t just get to call any words that you don’t like, or even words directly attacking you, an ad hominem. A statement is only an ad hominem if 1) it’s attempting to refute an argument 2) by attacking the character/motive of the person making the argument INSTEAD OF the actual content of the argument. “Your argument is wrong because you’re an idiot” is an ad hominem. What the other commenter said to you is not. Note that people claiming “ad hominem” on statements that are not are sometimes said to be committing an “ad hominem fallacy fallacy.”
I actually agree with you on the Amazon/Youtube/Meta thing and I’m trying my hardest to stop using all those companies, but I think another point here is that Twitter is much more directly connected to fascism, given that it’s owned by the guy who just spent a week crashing the post-election party at Mar-A-Lago.
Delete your account :)
I don’t have any skin in this game but just want to point out that “I understand you are hurt and angry” is an attempt to empathize with you, and not an ad hominem fallacy.
If you read what I posted and thought I was ranting, I’m not sure what to tell you. Touch grass for fuck’s sake?
I’m not sure, but wanted to add another hot take: if you’re a journalist and you use Twitter as a primary source for your work, you’re not a journalist.
Don’t tell me not to do things.
I deleted my 2007-era Twitter account in 2022 and not once have I felt like I was missing out on any “info” or felt like I wasn’t able to share things.
This is the internet; you can say “fuck” here.
I used Kagi for a few months but was turned off by the fact that they developed an entire production line for making tee shirts vs. spending more time on making their service better.
Their CEO also doesn’t understand personal boundaries (or privacy laws, if he truly believes everything he says in these emails): https://discuss.techlore.tech/t/kagi-ceo-s-recent-controversy/8119/2
I went back to DuckDuckGo.