Yes, there is no difference in quality between 1:1 and the real thing. If you are not a professional, you can hardly tell the difference. The price of a general Hermès product that is fully handmade ranges from US$500 to US$1,500.
This depends on your needs and quality requirements. You can buy top-quality 1:1 products for around 200-300, of course, with the exception of some Chanel and Hermes bags.
Yes, that makes sense.
Everyone is the same. Life is passed down from generation to generation in this way.
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awesome Haha, That’s awesome!
Haha, it's so warm.
Look at this outfit. Isn't it cool?
This is my first time posting. I've posted the same picture on reddit. I wonder if there will be any problems.
Hope our Lemmy community keeps growing stronger!