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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What are some good games with a creepy/eerie atmosphere but not outright horror?
  • Sounds good. A forewarning before playing, they're a major product of their time so the controls and mechanics are a bit janky but not quite to the levels of the original system shocks.

    I completely agree. It'll definitely sink a lot of your time though but it's setting is incredible and unique. Morrowind and the Shivering Aisles are my two favorites in the whole series so far because of their creativity and sense of wonder.

  • What are some good games with a creepy/eerie atmosphere but not outright horror?
  • I'm surprised I haven't seen Morrowind in the comments yet. The storytelling gave me the impression that Todd Howard must've played a lot of DND campaigns while under the influence of psychedelics just to lay the setting for the plot. I highly recommend because I've had a lot of moments throughout my playthrough asking myself "wait, did that actually happen?" And, "Is this a Bethesda bug, or is the game straight up cursed?". Also, Many of the characters, creatures, and a certain "house", or faction in the game are straight up Lovecraftian, with aesthetics pretty on par with Bekzinski's art-style. I also think the Marathon series fits the bill on a lot of these aspects. It's Bungie's precursor to Halo, and while its narrative may be similar, I think the devs had to get creative with the limited software capabilities available at the time and so the narrative ended up being an experience I'd describe as "wild and uncanny".

  • What are the most funny and positive movies or series?
  • I know this is a pretty popular one but I don't think I've ever not felt better after an episode or two (or 6) of Futurama. As for movies, Hot Fuzz always has something new and funny you hadn't noticed before on each watch.
    I also think many of the studio Ghibli films give off some pretty good vibes (emphasis on the word 'many' though, there are some pretty gut-wrenching ones). Any of the Mr Bean movies or episodes also cheer me up pretty well. ETA: for shows that leave you feeling positive, many of the Star Trek series focus on the good aspects of humanity, and present very meaningful ideas on how to achieve a positive outcome for all. My personal favorites so far are Deep Space 9 and the Next Generation, although Voyager and many of the others are just as good.