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TheSaneWriter TheSaneWriter
Posts 17
Comments 445
TIL if you live in Pennsylvania and make minimum wage you'd have to work 105 hours a week to afford a "modest" one bedroom rental.
  • There isn't always a catch. Governance is often based on compromise and corruption runs rampant, so often there will be shitty things thrown in to appease corporate donors and conservative politicians, but sometimes the government just does something good without also doing something bad.

  • Arch and other Linux operating systems Beat Windows 11 in Gaming Benchmarks
  • They were using Proton, so most likely X11 as their windowing system. I'm guessing they were using the default distro kernels as of November 15, 2023 (when they ran the benchmark), but I don't think the article said for sure.

  • Arch and other Linux operating systems Beat Windows 11 in Gaming Benchmarks
  • I found the original study in the article, it's in German. Here it is (Linux Gaming: Test Results and Conclusion), it looks like most Linux distros have worse lows and frame times than Windows 11, other than Arch Linux which seems to be a tossup.

  • Ramen
  • Death is actually very expensive, it's just not the dead person that foots the bill.

  • Ramen
  • Depends on the beans. Some taste really good on their own, others are very bland.

  • Slavery: still a thing
  • Fully agreed. Stuff like, you have to work for the government park corp and clean up parks as your job for the next year is a form of sentencing I could agree with. I don't agree with random company 400 getting to use you as a slave being your sentence.

  • Slavery: still a thing
  • I think people are allowed to say that slavery is bad even if we benefit from slave labor. It's not like shit is labeled, and even if a product is free from one form of slavery there are still so many types across the world it would take a global effort to get rid of them all. Isn't it better to at least acknowledge the problem?

  • Readers added context...
  • Damn, he literally said if the Soviet Union decided to do a second Holocaust he wouldn't really care. May he rest in piss.

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • I fully agree that politics have changed, I'm just arguing that having a sympathetic President and Congress in office makes it significantly easier to get legislation passed by protest.

  • George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}
  • It played a role. Because the Democrats and President Johnson were in charge during the Civil Rights movement, we got the Civil Rights Act. Because the Republicans and President Trump were in charge during the BLM movement, we got jackshit (on a federal level). This stuff matters.

  • 'Your Turn': United Auto Workers Launches Campaign to Unionize Tesla
  • Repealing that act should be one of the largest priorities of leftists in the United States. I wish people talked about it more.

  • Average Lemmy Active Users by Month
  • It's based on posts and comments.

  • Open extensions on Firefox for Android will be available from December 14
  • I'm glad to hear it, this will make the mobile version much more usable.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It seems like a difficult thing to regulate. I hope that this can be a starting point that will be potentially expanded later as needed, but we'll see.

  • IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride
  • Fully agreed. The authoritarian institution of shareholders and CEOs makes large companies prone to arrogance and short-term decision-making, democratic control of these large companies would make the economy much healthier.

  • They're not equivalent
  • :P can also be more neutral than happy at times, which is a nuance that the emoji lacks.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • And the dishwasher shredded my laundry. Stuff just isn't built to last anymore.

  • [Release][v1.14.2] More user requests
  • Thanks for all the great work, it's looking really good!

  • [Feature Request] Admin Tools
  • There you go, that is now an admin account.

  • [Feature Request] Admin Tools
  • The offer still stands. Just create an account on my instance and reply to this comment chain with it, and I'll make it an admin.

  • [Feature Request] Admin Tools

    Right now moderator tools have been implemented but not admin tools. Admin tools include standard mod tools but also things like the purge command. The ability to modify instance settings would be nice but is less important to me. If you implemented some of these tools I'd appreciate it, it would make administering from Summit much easier.


    [Feature Request] Add option to display user profile images

    I like to see user profile images, it adds a bit of flare to comment sections and helps me tell users apart. I think it would be really cool if there were an option to see them in Summit.


    Federation Issues Resolved

    Howdy everyone.

    It's possible over the past couple of days you noticed that new posts were having trouble coming in. Turns out that the Lemmy Docker container was missing a necessary dependency, and that was causing federation web requests to fail. I have resolved the issue, so now federation is back on track. Let me know if any of you see any other issues.


    Postgres Upgrade

    Howdy everybody, It is time once again for a server upgrade. I don't usually make announcements for upgrading the Docker containers, as usually it causes a few seconds of downtime at most. However, sometime today or tonight I will be upgrading Postgres from 15 to 16, which will take anywhere between a few minutes and an hour. Be ready for that, I will make a comment when I begin and finish.


    Upgrading Services

    Howdy, everybody! My instance has gotten more demanding in terms of resources, so fairly soon I will upgrade the VPS that I'm running the server on. This will lead to downtime, but I hope to keep it as short as possible. Feel free to reply here or message me with questions or concerns!

    jokes TheSaneWriter

    Moderation Post

    This a post to allow me to appoint moderators.


    Unplanned Maintenance

    Sorry to anyone and everyone who was impacted by that outage. I was tinkering with backing up the database and accidentally broke the listening settings, causing the Lemmy server to have trouble. At this point everything is resolved, the listening settings are back to normal and the database was successfully backed up, so we're good to go!


    (Bug) Subscription Feed Broken

    As of late, as well as certain images being broken I've also noticed that Voyager is having trouble pulling in posts from my subscription feed. The local and all feeds still work and the subscribed feed still works on my instance's main web app.

    Edit: It seems to have resolved itself, so this issue may have been on my end.


    Lemmy Instance Services Change

    Today I will be changing how our services work for my Lemmy instance. This will let me more directly administer server resources, monitor the usage of various things, and improve the efficiency and security of my resources. During this process, the Lemmy instance will go offline. I will likely shut it off in around 15-30 minutes. Thank you all for being so patient, this will make everything better for all of us.


    Lemmy Instance Migration About to Begin

    Hello everyone. Just a warning, the migration from AWS to IONOS for this instance could begin any minute so please be aware that we may be unavailable for a short time. Thank you.


    Lemmy Instance Migration

    Hello again everyone. At some point today, I will be migrating Lemmy from its current cloud stack, which uses an AWS Lightsail instance, AWS Lightsail S3 object storage, and an Amazon Reddis Postgres database, to a new cloud stack which will use an Ionos instance for both the Lemmy backend and a local Postgres database, with a Storj object storage system. When everything is ready, I will shut off the instance to allow data migration without loss. Thus, the instance may be down for a little bit while I perform this migration, but it will be back up later. I will post another announcement roughly an hour in advance, thank you for your patience.

    Support TheSaneWriter

    On the state of the instance

    Howdy everyone, this is just an announcement that the instance is currently running well, the server loads are acceptable and everything is working as expected, except for my email service. From what I can tell all of the endpoints are set up correctly for my email service to function, but I'm still waiting on Amazon SES production-level status so that I can send emails to unverified recipients. Pictrs, Postgres, Nginx, Lemmy, and Lemmy-UI are all working as expected though, so this instance is ready for use.

    Edit: I have transitioned the email service to, which has allowed me to disable Postfix and not rely on Amazon or any other corporate provider for email services. As such, as of right now, this instance is fully functional.

    Test TheSaneWriter

    Email Test

    This is a post to test the email features of my Lemmy instance.
