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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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The Problem with Linus Tech Tips: Accuracy, Ethics, & Responsibility
  • One thing i noticed is when they review a really shitty product but don't bash it??? Like you guys said you would but you're just beating around the bush. It's either a good product or not. No need for the run around guys. Take for example shortcircuit i believe was the channel they had a shitty expensive leather mouse but the person reviewing it was clearly not giving his honest opinion. The mouse was shit plain and simple.

  • ‘Flying aliens’ harassing village in Peru are actually illegal miners with jetpacks, cops say
  • I saw a tiktok of people racing with jetpacks. Pretty cool. Using what looks like mini rockets attached to each hand for control and then the main rockets on the back. Seems pretty simple to me 🤷

    Edit: i see someone already posted a link to it. Aint technology cool.

  • ‘Flying aliens’ harassing village in Peru are actually illegal miners with jetpacks, cops say
  • That title is killing me 🤣 I don't even want to read the article. All i can think of is either underage kids in jetpacks (assuming this one) or literal adult miners with pickaxes in their hands flying around. This is hilarious.

  • How many scary asteroids really go past Earth every year?
  • Unfortunately true. The only way to get humans to collectively want to deal with space is a threat from space. Once life's are threatened all of a sudden it's a fast track to build defenses and bases to protect humanity. Honestly if it means allowing some humans to die to allow humanity to live longer than so be it 🤷. After all the end goal is to not go extinct.

  • Anyone having battery issues
  • Uhh I'm no mathematician but 8% for firefox at 8 hours and 8% at 2 hours for sync kinda tells me sync is eating your battery but again im no mathematician and I'm also extremely blazed right now.

  • Judge denies HP's plea to throw out all-in-one printer lockdown lawsuit
  • Ecotanks ftw. Sure they are slightly slower and when the paper gets damp the ink smears but for the price of the ink I'll take it. I bought a 3 pack of black ink 3 years ago and to this day only 1 bottle has been used.

  • The US government is taking a step toward space-based nuclear propulsion
  • Thank god for this bot. Way too many articles get posted here filled with so much useless info that you have to skim through to get to the actual news part. Like I'm sorry journalist but no idgaf about what the fuck you ate today get the fuck on with the article.

  • ruleless charging
  • My charging port is fucked on mine that's why i use it. My night stand is also a full top wireless charging so simply setting it down anywhere it will charge. So in a way it's extremely convenient. As for efficiency i could care less. I have cheap power and the loss from wireless charging is lets be honest isn't going to show up on your electric bill anyways 🤷

  • A prison guard says she was forced to stay at her post during labor pains. Texas is fighting compensation for her stillbirth.
  • That whole thing could have been avoided if she just left 🤷. Jobs don't give a flying fuck about you. You will be replaced in a weeks time. Worry about yourself and yourself only.

    Before anyone tries to come at me saying she couldn't leave. Yes she can. Doesn't matter what rule or threat or law you come up with. If u wanna leave then leave nobody forced her to stay but her loyalty to a shitty company.