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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 19
YouTube’s anti-ad blocking test gets even pushier with a new timer
  • My point in my comment was about how YouTube is expensive to run and that the more people who refuse to generate revenue for it (I feel dirty writing that and strongly disagree with it, by my feelings have no effect on reality,) then it has to make shittier and shittier decisions to generate that revenue.

    I 100% agree that YouTube should pay their creators more and protect them from bullshit copyright, but that would just compound the issue of the cost of running the site.

    What is this entitled attitude everyone has where they believe they should be handed things for free? It completely unsustainable and childish. Corporations do not do things for free, they can't. They exist solely to generate revenue and if they can't, they die. I generally hate corporations on principle, but again my feelings don't change reality.

  • YouTube’s anti-ad blocking test gets even pushier with a new timer
  • Basically everything within capitalism fucks over someone that's just business as usual 8n out society. Usually to a much worse degree, think the children who likely made your clothes for next to nothing. I'm all for tearing down the system, but there's not a whole lot as an individual that I can do.

  • What social taboos that exist today do you think will not be around in 100 years?
  • I'm aware of that. But you're insane if you think that in even 100 years from now manners and politeness/respect will be gone. Basically ever generation for literal centuries have had similar opinions about the manners of the youth, and guess what; manners and respect have stayed pretty much the same. Sure the way it's expressed may be different from centuries ago but people are still generally polite to others in most scenarios.

    And as an aside I used boomers as an example because it's usually the older generation that hold such opinions. But that's probably a bad assumption here considering the average boomer has probably moved on from fart humour.

  • How did you come to having your current religious, social and political worldviews?
  • That's more of a corruption issue isn't it? If your country was the opposite leaning politically, the same corrupt politicians would still do their best increase their wealth and power at the expense of anyone else. It's not something unique to the left or the right, or any political stance. Power corrupts, and as you gain more power, thus increasing the chance for corruption, the easier it is to gain more power. Ad infinitum.

  • Moderatule
  • How is that coming up in conversation though? Do you see someone talking about SRS and immediately insert yourself and give your own opinion on something irrelevant to you, completely unsolicited? Because I don't think many trans people are asking random cis people about their thoughts on SRS, I can't think of any other circumstance that would necessitate you giving your opinion on something completely irrelevant to you if you, as you say "don't care if you do, or have that desire/feeling." You can certainly feel this way, but coming into a trans space so you can explain to them that you don't "understand it," for no reason seems pretty transphobic.

    An analogy would be, if someone went up to you after you mentioned something very important to your identity, beliefs or who you are and started explaining to you how they just don't get it or can't understand why you believe or resonate with this thing for no reason. It's disrespectful.

  • why did you switch?
  • While I agree that marketing trying to sell you upgrades you don't need is dumb and annoying, it's a pretty poor argument unless you have absolutely no willpower or something and can't stop yourself from buying new things just because it been advertised to you.

  • is there a Lemmy app that lets me swipe through posts endlessly
  • I don't think they're referring to scrolling through posts (they literally say that they're using jerboa which lets you do that), but opening a post a swiping to the next one without going back to the homepage. Something I'm also waiting for an app to have.

  • is there a Lemmy app that lets me swipe through posts endlessly
  • I don't think they're referring to scrolling through posts (they literally say that they're using jerboa which lets you do that), but opening a post a swiping to the next one without going back to the homepage. Something I'm also waiting for an app to have.