Is the reason because we're already at 1.5C of warming?
People probably won't need to yell at them if the Democrats actually are listening to and engaging with the voters.
MMR is a very standard shot as a kid, so chances are you got it
Holy shit reposting this 4 times that I've seen. Fuck off.
I think if I was fired by Musk, I'd have no problem selling critical information to opponents. At that point there's not much to lose so you may as well.
I'm guessing Carbon Monoxide?
This headline needs changed to be more accurate
Oh no, I ate off plates like this as a kid. That explains a lot.
Don't forget the media refused to call out his bullshit the entire election cycle and kept softening his words. These dumbasses did this to themselves, and it's a tragedy for the US.
God damn, did you post this to every sub?
Phosphorus and Ketamine.
JK, Phosphorus and Potassium.
Certain nematodes will eat the eggs of mosquitos and gnats.
3 casinos, even! And he's had 6 total corporate bankruptcies!
Louisiana is in the bottom 5 in US education. Now you know how dumb they are.
People have to eat. I work for an evil corporation, so I try not to be too good at my job, but just good enough to keep collecting a check
You spend all your work day in meetings bragging about yourself while never actually doing any work, aren't you?
But not your next one.
Wasn't the NY Times going along with Trump like 3 months ago?