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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 8
Comments 19
Which system(s) are you itching to play but haven't yet?
  • Frankly, I’d really like to play D&D 5e, but I can’t get anyone else to DM. Same for Call of Cthulhu 7e.

    As far as systems I haven’t run before, I’m interested to see what MCDM’s system turns out to be.

    Stars without Numbers seems cool (though I do prefer a system that lets me use dice I can’t find in a Monopoly box).

    I own, but have not played (player or GM) the Avatar Legends system. It looks very lovingly put together, but I wish it hadn’t been built on Fate.

    I’ve also got a neat little indie(?) system called Upwind that is very narrative focused, and has players sort of bet on suggested conflict outcomes against the GM with a hand of cards. Very interesting, but I haven’t had the bandwidth to get ready to run it for anyone.

  • My wife and I are watching through TNG, on S3 now, and I kinda like Wesley.
  • I kinda feel like Wes was the enlightened 24th century child who is validated, supported, and taken seriously by people who want him to succeed.

    Except for when the writers just have the rest of the bridge crew be mean to him ("shut up, Wesley"). He makes a really good point in "Datalore" (S01E13) when telling Picard that if he was any other officer and not a teenager, his concerns about Lore impersonating Data would have been taken seriously.

  • My wife and I are watching through TNG, on S3 now, and I kinda like Wesley.

    What's the opinion on his character these days? I know he has a reputation of being very disliked.

    going back to mainstream social media after getting used to the fediverse
  • I use Handbrake to get my blurays into a format I can use on my Plex server so I can stream my physical media whenever I want.

    Handbrake generates 10 previews for each file so you can get a sense of what it looks like, and it happened to be this frame.

  • Which legendary Reddit post / comment can you still not get over?
  • There was someone who would reply to askreddit questions and spin up some story that always ended with his dad beating him with jumper cables no matter what the original question was about.

    Beating your kids isn’t funny, but this guy’s stories were a riot.

  • Vengeful Magicians


    I’ve set up a domain and am about to install lemmy to run my own instance. Is it appropriate to promote that anywhere here when it’s complete?

    I love the growth and population, but I really want to help foster the decentralization of this platform, since that’s (to me) the best part of the fediverse.


    My wife and I are watching TNG (her first exposure outside of the reboot movies) and she’s enjoying it! Who do you share Star Trek with?

    Getting back into hiking
  • That looks so wonderful! I do wish I could spend more time exploring nature (work has me very busy these days).

    My wife and I recently moved to a small town with a privately owned, 2000 acre forest preserve; we took a picnic lunch just a short way in a while back, and I desperately want to explore more of it.

  • Lemmy Support Takeshidude

    What do I need to have in order to run my own instance?

    The documentation give clear instructions for installing and setting up a Lemmy instance, but it doesn't really tell me what I need to do so beyond the implication that I need some computer running Linux.

    I have a QNAP NAS device which is running a flavor of linux; how much storage space is recommended for a public instance? Do I need my own website?

    On Reddit and it’s federated rivals, Lemmy and kbin
  • While I can't say I agree with the political views of the lemmy devs (at least as described in this article, as I have no other reference point), I think that it shows one of the really cool things about the fediverse. So what if those guys over there are weirdos? I can take the ball they gave me and go play somewhere else with other people.

  • going back to mainstream social media after getting used to the fediverse

    My fantasy world, AMA (please!)
  • Cool! Does anyone have any myths or legends about the tallest peak? A slumbering creator deity or source of life?

    Do the Vikraghallan city states bicker about petty things like how streets should be laid out? Do they agree on some uniform currency or system of measurement?

    I've only heard of Savage Worlds, but never looked into it; I've only run D&D 5e and Call of Cthulhu 7e

  • What's your favorite Web 1.0 memory?
  • My memory probably is more of early Web 2; I was born in the late 90s, so I suppose I missed the really wild west days.

    Flash games were great though; it seemed like every company that even slightly catered to people under 30 had a website with some game on it.

  • What's your favorite Web 1.0 memory?

    Prior to the internet condensing into just 5 or so websites, what do you remember fondling about being online?

    I remember winning a raffle contest on the old Terraria forums and getting to pick my own title (instead of just New Member, Member, Well-Known Member). Of course, since I was like 13, I picked a random collection of letters that only I knew was an acronym of my signature on said forums.


    Anyone else remember r/fakealbumcovers? Here's a couple I made back in the day.


    My fantasy world, AMA (please!)
  • Hi! I know this is almost 3 weeks old, but we need community engagement or else there's no community

    I see some large mushrooms on the western coast, north of Tzamlitr. If I journeyed there, what would I see? Just a normal forest but with tall mushrooms instead of pine trees? A normal plain with mushrooms instead of grain?

    Where is the tallest mountain? What is the furthest point from which I can still clearly see it's peak (assuming it's noticeably taller than its neighbors)?