What's another game with a nemesis system?
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In favor of snow melting faster: a) Greater surface area per mole for evaporation, b) Greater porosity per mole for water seepage to transfer heat to interior of snow.
In favor of ice melting faster: a) Radiant energy can penetrate the clear surface of ice directly to the interior.
I'd guess ice will melt faster on a sunny day, while snow will melt faster on a cloudy day, if (a) ambient air and ground temperatures are the same on both days, (b) relative humidity is the same on both days.
After reading that that source, sounds like a complicated question.
I wouldn't say WW3 is raging, but you could argue we are back in another cold war.
It's #1, always #1.
Didn't the Parkland shooter go to McDonald's after he did the school shooting?
How else are they suppose to force upsell you?
I don't get this one, why is he reading the dictionary in the last panel?
That's what they do, they push stories of democrat boogie men to bury the story of their own.
Did some of these people get a new district in 2023? I know several of these people who have been in Congress longer than that.
It gives me Homer choking Bart vibes.
What are some games you play with longer cycles?
What is wrong with a full 24h in game in 1 realtime hour?
Well la de fricking da! We got ourselves an artist here.
It has electrolytes, it's what plants crave.
When the Wienermobile was into goth.
There is still stuff Reagan did that isn't fixed. Some of the damage is going to be permanent or at least beyond our lifetimes.
I don't think they'll get filled with progressives if Trump does that.