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Swintoodles Swintoodles
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Comments 33
Staked deposit to ensure good behaviour
  • Yeah, that seems like it would have too much perverse incentive for admins to ban users they don't like, both to remove them and get money for doing so.

  • /r/Conservative is going to save Reddit
  • Damn, I thought they were going out in a blaze of glory weekendgunnit style on the first glance. Self-immolating a sub instead of just returning to the new status quo is more effective than this blackout will ever be.

  • Planning on building a PC, anything I should know?
  • Also don't forget to remove the plastic film(s) they put on the CPU/Cooler and everywhere else!

  • Reddit habit is hard to break.
  • I feel like we need a Redditor's Anonymous community lol.

    Hi I'm Swintoodles and I've tried to open reddit 3 times this morning. The site is sparse, so I only browsed for 20 minutes, but I know I can get better!

  • In response to the disastrous Spez AMA, /r/Videos have announced that they will permanently shut down on 11th June, one day ahead of the planned blackout
  • Wouldn't be the first time a corporation says one thing to the public and the complete opposite to its shareholders.

  • Researchers discover that ChatGPT prefers repeating 25 jokes over and over
  • Find me a community that doesn't persist primarily on the same small set of jokes.

  • Personal finance: how much are you putting on your kids? 529 account?
  • with the recent ability for kids to convert to a Roth IRA up to $35k with no penalties if they don’t use the funds, has that become the new golden number?

    Unless your kids are getting close to college right now, I would not put much faith in any specific program being present in the future. Those sorts of deals tend to come and go with the political tide.

    Personally I put less and less emphasis on colleges with each passing year of life. Unless your child has aspirations to be a mover shaker or aims for a highly specialized field, just about any accredited bachelor's degree in the right field will work for them, ergo a cheap online/community college will get the job done, and possibly also fast if they're a strong student.

    I'd put a modest sum in, perhaps around your number, and then subsidize each child based on their goals. You might nurture a child with strong entrepreneurial aspirations, in which case that 529 is probably not going to help them, whereas 30k in seed money could set them up for great success.

    Teaching and nurturing a child early on in life will pay far greater dividends than a college fund ever will in any case. Giving them the tools to advance spectacularly and have a drive to achieve their goals is going to make any other obstacle surmountable.

  • Comfort games?
    • Factorio

    • Deep Rock Galactic (lower difficulties)

    • Risk of Rain 2

    • OSRS (stay tf away from the general community, skill n' chill)

    Games I used to play more for that comfy feel

    • Minecraft (discovering cool new things in overhaul mods is just neat, probably need to figure out how to get my account back after the Microsoft stuff)

    • TF2 Community Servers of the hyper casual variety, running in circles all day shootin' dudes is just fun.

  • Timeline of total users at the top 10 Lemmy instances
  • He also had a bit of controversy several years back when it came out that he was stealth-editing other people's comments.

  • Reddit Exodus: Welcoming the Selfhosted Community to Lemmy - Migrating to Freedom!
  • Only becomes a problem if commenters/posters get out of hand. On a more mild topic like self-hosting it's probably not a massive issue for the foreseeable future.

  • Thoughts on this Reddit post claiming 'Lemmy doesn't care about privacy'?
  • I was about to say, it's the same system Reddit has just about, except instead of a corporation having your data, it's just some rando with a server.

    I haven't dug into the Lemmy system at all, but would it not be possible for the server owner or other users to run a lemmy version of reveddit? Might not be a system by default, but I'd assume any system with direct access to the data can copy it over to a 3rd party no problem.

  • French Senate gives green light to surveillance through cameras and microphones
  • How would that even work? I assume that there would need to be a built in backdoor somewhere, since it's clientside rather than the oldschool data pull from centralized servers.

  • What is something many people believe but is not true?
  • That always confused me as a child, since it was super easy to just test it for yourself. Turned out salt tasted salty regardless of where on your tongue it was, the same for the rest of the flavors.

  • What OS do you use on your pc and why?
  • Windows 10... I have Mint dual booted, but couldn't bother to make video games work on it and have used it maybe a few dozen hours at most. School had some fairly Windows-centric materials as well that made it hard to transfer over.

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • Sadly superfluous meetings is a time-honored corporate tradition across all age groups.

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • At least for utilities you can reframe it as paying for parcels of utility, and then consuming them, like you do for food. Middleman bullshit like cloud services that refuse to let you just self-host can screw off. Having to spend money to spend extra resources to deal with a 3rd party is obnoxious, doubly so when they just decide they don't want to support it anymore and pull the plug.

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • Only because the late fees and collection agencies are to die for :)

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • But at the same time, deflating the sales of the product has the risk of prompting the company to not continue with a franchise or employ those developers in the future.

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • Wireless charging?

  • What are some communities that aren't here yet that you hope to see in the future?
  • Really just depends on if users can maintain composure in the face of disagreement (and barring that, moderation that can temper the more... rambunctious members effectively and consistently) as the community grows into a more broad audience. Otherwise the community will just fragment as they always do once civil discussion breaks down from bad faith actors of one flavor or another.