Alt of [email protected]
Uses google translate to communicate in Icelandic.
I’m sorry, I just thought it would be impolite to plaster my English everywhere lol. I’m such a silly Canuck.
I can imagine that Google Translate doesn’t get a lot Icelandic input so it would be rough around the edges.
On a separate note though, the Icelandic and Faroese languages really do look interesting as the words are long and the pronunciations are unique.
notaðu https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/lemmy-instance-assistant/ til að opna fjarsamfélög í heimatilvikinu þínu
Washington has decided to abandon both Ukraine and its postwar role in the world

Iceland's has been getting a lot tourists lately lol
I'm in and I love the theme! The little island will be more self-sufficient thanks to you! Lets hop into a hot spring some time!