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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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This is going to set back medical trust for years
  • Thanks, I guess it was the part where how this caused "malicious harm" given he didn't reveal any sort of hidden scandal or illegal acitivty but the other user explained it'll result in patients being afraid to access medical care which is beginning to make sense to me. I'm not based in the US, this is all so alien to me.

  • This is going to set back medical trust for years
  • It just says he passed it on to conversative activists, I still cannot begin to understand how this furthers a conservative agenda? The hospital wasn't doing anything illegal and now he's looking at a 10 year prison sentence. He committed a felony, threw away his entire career and he didn't even 'own the libs'.

  • Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • Animals don't think "I'm gonna go find another dude to have gay sex with," they just get the urge and act on it with whoever looks good nearby.

    Several animal species are famously monogamous, penguns for example.

  • Mayor of Cologne heaps praise on the Tartan Army

    Dear Scots, those have been a wonderful couple of days with you. I could not be a happier mayor. You are always welcome to come back to Cologne! #tartanarmy @ScotlandNT #euro2024


    Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things

    Steven Pinker explains the cognitive biases we all suffer from and how they can short-circuit rational thinking and lead us into believing stupid things. Skip to 12:15 to bypass the preamble.


    Female foragers sometimes hunt, yet gendered divisions of labor are real: a comment on Anderson et al. (2023) The Myth of Man the Hunter

    Tl;dr an undergraduate paper last year claiming females hunt just as often as males got picked up by the media and amplified before it was discovered their analysis was deeply flawed and unreliable. Here several anthropologists present a very gracious rebuttal.


    Women perform better at visiospatial and anticipatory processess when menstruating

    There was no group difference in reaction times and accuracy between males and females (using contraception and not). However, within subject analyses revealed that regularly menstruating females performed better during menstruation compared to being in any other phase, with faster reaction times (10ms, p < .01), fewer errors (p < .05) and lower dispersion intra-individual variability (p < .05). In contrast they exhibited slower reaction times (10ms, p < .01) and poorer timing anticipation (p < .01) in the luteal phase, and more errors in the predicted ovulatory phase (p < .01). Self-reported mood, cognitive and physical symptoms were all worst during menstruation (p < .01), and a significant proportion of females felt that their symptoms were negatively affecting their cognitive performance during menstruation on testing day, which was incongruent with their actual performance.


    Maternal mortality in the United States: are the high and rising rates due to changes in obstetrical factors, maternal medical conditions, or maternal mortality surveillance?

    New paper casts doubt on the often reported huge rise in maternal deaths in the United States over the past 20 years. They put the blame firmly on a change in the reporting method.

    1 UK government bans private puberty blocker prescriptions for trans youth

    The UK government has introduced regulations to halt new private prescriptions of puberty blockers for under 18s.

    UK government bans private puberty blocker prescriptions for trans youth

    Rushed through last minute before parliament is dissolved using emergency powers.

    Should've been debated in the commons at least.


    Brain Really Uses Quantum Effects, New Study Finds

    Was Roger Penrose not completely insane when he proposed his Orch OR theory of the mind? Still doesn't explain the hard problem of consciousness, but a step closer?


    The Ideological Subversion of Biology

    Excellent essay from Coyne and Maroja that picks apart six widespread examples of biology being corrupted by (often well-intentioned) ideology.


    Humza Yousaf holds emergency cabinet meeting as SNP abandons power sharing with Greens Humza Yousaf holds emergency cabinet meeting as SNP abandons power sharing with Greens – UK politics live

    First minister reportedly plans to run minority administration amid dispute over decision to ditch climate change target

    Humza Yousaf holds emergency cabinet meeting as SNP abandons power sharing with Greens – UK politics live

    Were the Greens booted out before they could quit? Lorna's properly fuming calling it "an act of political cowardice".

    If the opposition put forward a VONC on Humza right now, I'm not sure he'd survive it.


    Dan Dennett died today, RIP Dan Dennett died today

    Well, this is unexpected, and details will be forthcoming. He was 82. I have lots of stories about Dan, and found him amiable and charitable, though sometimes he could be domineering, especially wh…

    Brilliant mind. I was lucky enough to meet him at an invited lecture once and he was nice enough to sign Freedom Evolves for me.

    Another horseman falls.

    0 Peter Murrell re-arrested in SNP investigation

    The husband of Nicola Sturgeon has been re-arrested in connection with the SNP finances investigation.

    Peter Murrell re-arrested in SNP investigation

    SNP having a great day


    Breaking Down Cass Review Myths Part 2 – The Quackometer

    There is a lot of disinformation flying around about this. The original myth about Cass "dismissing 98% of all data" started because an activist on twitter read the wrong paper.

    Question everything, especially if it agrees with you.


    Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer

    Seen the "98% of studies were ignored!" one doing the rounds on social media. The editorial in the BMJ put it in much better terms:

    "One emerging criticism of the Cass review is that it set the methodological bar too high for research to be included in its analysis and discarded too many studies on the basis of quality. In fact, the reality is different: studies in gender medicine fall woefully short in terms of methodological rigour; the methodological bar for gender medicine studies was set too low, generating research findings that are therefore hard to interpret."

    54 Adult transgender clinics in England face inquiry into patient care

    NHS England to review seven specialist services after staff share misgivings privately

    Adult transgender clinics in England face inquiry into patient care

    Appendix 4 in the Cass Review revealed that 6 out of the 7 adult GDC clinics currently operating in the UK refused to collect or share their patient followup data. If you want better care for struggling LGBT kids, you need the data.


    "Don't seek refuge in the false security of consensus"

    The mighty Hitch and one of his great orations. I often wonder what would he think of the world, such as it is, in 2024.

    0 Tory MSP writes to Police Scotland chief over ‘non-crime hate incident’ row

    Murdo Fraser said the force had ‘serious questions’ to answer

    Tory MSP writes to Police Scotland chief over ‘non-crime hate incident’ row

    We might be living in topsy-turvy world when Murdo Fraser has a point. Honestly, the whole idea of the police keeping "hate" notes on you when you haven't committed a crime is pretty dystopian.

    7 Scotland’s hate crime law may be well intentioned, but the police should not stymie public debate | Simon Jenkins

    The Scottish government’s legislation is frankly unworkable. I worry it may stifle honestly expressed, contentious views, says Guardian columnist Simon Jenkins

    Scotland’s hate crime law may be well intentioned, but the police should not stymie public debate | Simon Jenkins

    If even the Guardian won't get behind your Hate Crime Act, maybe it's worth having a wee think about it?

    10 Scottish grouse moors to be licensed in attempt to protect birds of prey

    MSPs vote for controls as it emerges another hen harrier has vanished in area ‘notorious’ for persecution

    Scottish grouse moors to be licensed in attempt to protect birds of prey

    Grouse Moors will need to be licensed? About time.
