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Strawberry Strawberry

Just a weird girl

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Comments 14
Desktop GPU Sales Lowest in Decades: Report
  • They're just ridiculously overpriced. Yes yes yes I know I know pc gaming good but you're literally spending the cost or more of a PS5 on a graphics card, it's just not competitive in the gaming sphere. I know I'm not looking to upgrade any time soon

  • community is something we generally take for granted, but there is incredible beauty in watching a community finally take flight
  • I'm really glad to have found Beehaw, it's extremely close to what I really enjoy in a community. As someone who isn't really a tech person in any respect, I'm happy to find something using Lemmy that isn't either strictly tech focused or politics focused. Everything looks really cool and I've been enjoying posting here :)

  • What's everyone else up to in magic the gathering?
  • I don't really like limited πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«. It's more that I enjoy non rotating formats more, I think.

  • What's everyone else up to in magic the gathering?
  • It's a very different game, creatures for example are waaaaaaaaaaaay stronger these days, there's several new card types, stuff like that. Though at the core things are not that different

  • What's everyone else up to in magic the gathering?
  • I've heard pretty good stuff about most limited environments lately, though tbh I haven't regularly drafted in ages, not really my jam.

    Agreed! Though I think it is an option for slots where you'd have like spell snare or something over slots with your removal, because it feels pretty bad on the draw. Also most 1 and 2 drops don't have insane etbs or anything, at least in modern.

  • What's everyone else up to in magic the gathering?
  • I've managed to never buy any sealed product at all, just singles. Not a fan of limited!

  • What's everyone else up to in magic the gathering?
  • You know I actually have been playing arena, though I've been playing historic! Standard was a pain to keep up on in a digital format like that

  • what videogame do you have the most hours in?
  • Smash bros as a collective whole, nearly uncountable hours across each one.

    For a single game maybe XCOM 2012? I played thousands of hours in that.

  • Ethnic minorities in Russia are campaigning for the breakup of the country
  • Frankly I don't think this is a realistic option that will lead to anything but more long drawn out protracted warfare

  • Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?
  • Spore was really cool... Until space stage which was just too boring!

    I was extremely invested in spore pre release and with how much was cut, it could never live up to my expectations...

  • Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?
  • I think it was extremely touchy to get running for a pretty long time, along with, I think, people not "getting it" especially if you encountered it while you were younger

  • What are some of your favorite complex/complicated game?
  • It's a mod, but the original long war mod for XCOM 2012 holds a very special place in my heart. You basically have to have reference material open because of how large the research trees got, along with just no ability to really in game teach you about any of the mechanical changes.

    Maybe not quite as sprawling as something like a paradox game or dwarf fortress, but LW also demands you fully understand the complexities it introduces over the base game or you can find yourself in unwinnable or extremely difficult to pull out of positions, and you easily end up playing tons of missions in a doomed session if you miss, say, upgrading your interceptors enough quickly enough to pop the overseer UFO or find yourself in a massive resource pit because you sold all your elerium early and now you can't keep up techwise.

    The sequel mod for xcom2 never to grabbed my attention the same way long war 1 did.

  • Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?
  • I really enjoy enter the matrix, it's a little janky but it's got some pretty cool for the time set pieces and I think the entire idea of the hacking mode is interesting, if very weird. For a licenced early 2000s video game I thought it was a step above most of the stuff in that field.

    The driving sections are... Not very fun though.