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Stevenwave Stevenwave
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Comments 7
LongXshot - How some recolours/new Skins could look
  • Mmm I feel ya. Good for the hobby overall at least. Still feels odd that X-Shot of all brands pulled this rabbit out of the hat though.

  • LongXshot - How some recolours/new Skins could look
  • What's the situation overall with releases over there? Is it kinda random what may or may not get there, or there's just stricter regs than the US? I know locals have discussed the notion of lower power ones. Makes me wonder if there'd be enough of a market for downgraded ones that are easy to bring up to spec via modding. I doubt the numbers/sales would work for a company like Zuru though.

  • Matching Worker Harrier + Worker Nightingale
  • Wow, that orange is so bright, it's almost like they're ablaze.

  • LongXshot - How some recolours/new Skins could look
  • Yeah :( Someone here (Aus) asked them directly and all we got was a generic "We are working towards an international release" blabla.

  • LongXshot - How some recolours/new Skins could look

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    So long Coop, thanks for all the fish
  • Sad to see his channel coming to an end, but it's not super surprising given the landscape of the hobby these days.

  • Visual representation of trying to move nerf
  • Yeah I need to offload some. Not really worth having some of the big ones in particular around you'll never actually use or do anything with.

  • Hello Nerfing world in another world!
  • Here out of curiosity.

    Some discussion about the future of the sub would also be welcome.