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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Why is HD or 3D so impressive on a flat screen, but we walk around in real life with the highest definition possible and the most realistic 3D and it's completely mundane?
  • Comparison mostly. HD and 3D isn't impressing you by virtue of it being superior to real life (it isn't after all), it's impressing you compared to other examples of the same thing done "worse". The best portrait artist in the world can not make something look more "real" than the reference material, but it can compared to other attempts at painting.

    This is true in other natural things as well. For example, a really big tree surrounded by smaller similar sized trees feels "really impressive" compared to a mountain surrounded by other... similar sized mountains. Or why a particularly colorful plant seems impressive surrounded by a bunch of green and brown plants.

    On the other hand, things like OLED screens can be impressive compared to the natural world due to their ability to arrange and display colors rarely found in nature.

  • He'll Be Fine
  • You had your adorable little protest non-vote in 2016, with your “Hillary Clinton just doesn’t ‘do it’ for me” and the result was Donald farking Trump.

    Here is my problem with this mindset. I didn't have "my adorable little protest non-vote". I was energized and hopeful for Bernie's campaign, but the Dem's and their moderate voter base had their adorable little "Bernie couldn't possibly win enough votes because Socialism, so you have to vote for our candidate that no one is excited about" push, so I sucked it up and voted for Hillary. And the result was Donald farking Trump. Because moderate Dem's would rather have Trump than meet Progressives even half way in the middle.

    And now here we are, with another run of a candidate that fails to inspire passion amongst his voter base, going against Donald Farking Trump. And once again, I'm being told that I need to vote for the Dem candidate that I mostly just disagree with less than Donald Farking Trump.

    So when does it stop being the fault of progressives who get disillusioned with the status quo? When does the fault start to lay with the Dem's and the moderate voters for preferring a Trump presidency over trying to meet the Progressive voting bloc halfway?

    I'll vote for Biden (again), and I absolutely recommend that everyone do so just to do damage mitigation, but I'm getting so tired of the blame game moderates try and run just to deflect legitimate criticisms of their lackluster candidates.

    Edit: To any on the left that are feeling really jilted by comment's like NutWrench's, please try and ignore the bullshit blame Dem's try to fling our way and remember that the key to long term success is solidarity, including with those who would blame and ridicule us. We need to play the hands we are dealt the best we can, and Biden is currently our "strongest" hand.

  • It only took 20 years to come true.
  • You ask for civility, but you compare Alfred "Motherfucking" Pennysworth to Biden!? Alfred is a god damned certified bad ass! Of all the terrible comparisons! You sir, are obviously trying to be inflammatory!

  • Biden’s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump
  • ranting: noun

    a long, angry, and impassioned speech. "at times, his rantings would become incoherent"


    speaking at length in an angry and impassioned way.

    I'm more familiar with the definition that includes the length of the speech. If you were using a definition that only refers to the energy, then I wouldn't call it hyperbole.

  • think of the children
  • Theoden: “You…”

    Saruman: “No. That was a rhetorical question”

    Theoden: “And I gave you a rhetorical answer”

    Saruman: “Good Lord Sauron, I traded Boromir for this…”

  • Political Memes SquirtleHermit

    I'm getting tired of grabbing buckets

    If you are looking to help bail water, @[email protected] recommend to find opportunities to get started. We are all in this boat together.
