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Squirrel Squirrel
Posts 1
Comments 770
I'm sure the women will be so very sad
  • These people are just interested in fuck toys, not actual people.

  • I'm sure the women will be so very sad
  • If it enjoyed it, sure. Maybe. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. No pun intended.

  • Ken Ham has an idea about money.
  • Just chiming in on the "40 days and nights" to say that 40 may just mean a long time. Supposedly it was often used that way, but there doesn't seem to be a consensus from what I've seen.

  • Trump's ghostwriter who spent 18 months with him: "Lying is second nature to him. He lied strategically. He had a complete lack of conscience about it."
  • Anyone who will believe this already knows that Trump lies non-stop. Anyone who does not recognize Trump for the liar andcon man he is by now isn't going to have their mind changed.

  • Daily Wire host goes on strange sexist rant: "Women cannot take care of themselves"
  • Maybe, but even ten years ago, people would have hesitated to say this kind of thing publicly. Or am I wrong in thinking that? It's not that I think it didn't happen, but it seems to me that it happens with much greater frequency now.

  • Daily Wire host goes on strange sexist rant: "Women cannot take care of themselves"
  • What the everloving fuck is going on? Why is society regressing so far with all of these bullshit views?

  • If your family weren't your family, would you still talk to them?
  • My dad, probably. My mom, absolutely not. Of course, I barely talk to anyone I don't live with, and I'm 38, so I wouldn't actually talk to either of them.

  • Nigel Farage slams ‘liberal intolerance’ as Gay Pride event hosts ‘toss a milkshake’ game
  • So, they're intolerant... of him? That's pretty targeted intolerance, almost as if they're not targeting an entire group of people based on one shared trait

  • Where are the old (30s) granpa gamers?
  • I'm 38 and never plan to stop. Of course, I met my wife through World of Warcraft, and we game together most nights. My parents still play games in their mid 60s, too. I remember a kid mocking my dad for gaming at 40 when I was a kid. I imagine that guy is doing the same thing now.

  • Anons Super Power
  • Yet you could also do much more good with mind control powers than the others. You could be the ultimate mediator, force peace through a means other than violence, get massive changes in place to help the environment, etc. The power absolutely has potential for great evil, but a good person could accomplish much.

  • Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris'
  • Nah. Trump did it, so it's good. It's not like they actually think.

  • Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ Gaming Staff Votes to Unionize
  • Ah, the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia.

  • Jeff's magic money machine
  • A better educated and less impoverished population is something, too.

  • Jeff's magic money machine
  • I'll pay for college for a large number of people and pay a lawyer to defend my action as not "giving it away."

  • Pet origin stories
  • Unless you're putting your animal in shows, why tf would anyone care about having a pure breed? Get a mutt that resembles what you want, and you should be good to go (and have a healthier animal).

  • How could this be?!
  • As opposed to...? There's a reason you hear about "smile lines" and the like.

  • Democrats immediately start calling Trump too old
  • This should come as no shock. Age has been a concern since 2016.

  • Feature Request: Keyboard Navigation
