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Sqaaakoi Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

I'm a weird internet user with dumb hobbies that include modding minecraft and occasional shitposting. Also, I'm probably obnoxious, maybe annoying. and definitely queer.

I'll only accept follow requests if you seem like you're actually interested in some of the stuff I have to say. Do not request to follow if I've just interacted with your posts for the first time (or vice versa), I will notice you are looking for follows back (it's obvious); your request will be denied.

\\I boost VERY frequently.\\

Alts: @Sqaaakoi (Firefish, rather inactive)

Posts 0
Comments 3
Virtual keyboard not showing on non-KDE apps
  • @KaKi87 Those apps are probably running under X11. Make sure they are running with native Wayland support, for Chromium apps you should add --ozone-platform=wayland --enable-wayland-ime to the command line arguments.

  • Why wait for Microsoft to catch up with what we've been doing for decades?
  • @closetfurry @kde Please be slightly more specific regarding "anti-cheat". Do you play competitive shooter games? If yes, then you're probably out of luck for those unfortunately :(

  • PSA: Plasma Wayland on laptop could still be a pain to use
  • @JokaJukka Have you tried switching to X11, enabling the setting, then switching back to Wayland? Does that do anything?