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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Murdered by words

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From a YouTube video explaining wire gauges.

How rude!
  • I’ve never heard it called “bad tension” but I have POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) which fits your symptoms. I can’t maintain my blood pressure when I stand still (or if I get too hot, bend down, lift my arms over my head, eat a big meal…) my heart rate skyrockets to try to compensate and I ultimately faint.

    I was diagnosed in 2012 and they’re still tweaking my medication to try and get it right. For most people it starts in their teenage years and they “outgrow” it within 5 years. For me it’s second to moderately severe Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, there’s no outgrowing it. I can’t go anywhere that requires more than a short walk from the car to a seat - queues are literally my enemy - so I use a wheelchair. The amount of dirty looks I get when I get out of my wheelchair to move to a more comfortable seat, or to go to the toilet etc are awful! Not only are a lot of disabilities invisible but not everyone who uses a wheelchair can’t walk at all. Grrrr!

  • Believe what you see, not what you’re told

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    > Believe what you see, not what you’re told

    "Bleach blonde, bad built butch body"
  • Swear away friend. As long as you’re not inciting violence or using slurs/language to intimidate, have at it.

    Malcom Tucker will always be my favourite go to when insulting politicians (or anyone actually) “You’re a fucking omnishambles, that’s what you are. You’re like that coffee machine, you know: from bean to cup, you just fuck up.”

  • "Bleach blonde, bad built butch body"


    Spiders eat bugs. Bugs are bugs.

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    > bugs


    I can barely control my indifference.

    If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?
  • Don’t worry, I have a life threatening illness and reduced life expectancy anyway. And I’m not suicidal. It was already my preferred way to go, this ordeal with my mum just made it crystal clear in my mind. Thankfully I have access to everything I need already so I wouldn’t get anyone else in trouble and my loved ones understand my decision and feel similarly. It being legal would be a bonus, but I’m not letting a law stop me.

  • If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?
  • My mums been in hospital for 10 weeks. She only 62 and was admitted for a fairly routine infection after chemo for breast cancer. Since she’s been in hospital I’ve lost count of all the things that have gone wrong but the most distressing thing is the hospital delirium she’s developed. I’d never have believed my mum could become so violent and abusive, it’s like she’s a completely different person. She has absolutely no agency over her body at the moment, she can’t even sit up unaided. It’s so horribly undignified that it’s completely cemented my decision to commit suicide once I get a terminal diagnosis (or a diagnosis that I know I couldn’t deal with graciously). I can’t have children so it’s a small comfort that I won’t inflict the pain and heartbreak I’m experiencing from my mum, but I don’t ever want to treat my partner how she’s treating my dad. I’m going out on my own terms if at all possible.

  • In response to a flat earther...

    A little girl said monsters were in her bedroom. It was 60,000 bees
  • When I was very little, maybe 2, my mum had sat me down in front of Sesame Street while she did some chores. Not long after I came running into the kitchen “mummy mummy there’s a birdie in the front room!” She said yes, that was big bird and to go back in and watch it. I kept running back to her increasingly more upset about the birdie until she came into the living room to find a pigeon had come down the chimney and was irately trying to escape. I know I was too young to remember it, but I swear I can recall the feeling of vindication!

  • Wish I could beam this into every persons head
  • My partner is newly diagnosed at 40 and while on the surface it seems like he’s a just “shrug it off” guy, he’s not able to fully ignore it - there’s so much inner turmoil. He always feels bad for not doing XYZ and he’s never truly able to enjoy doing something else instead. He can be temporarily distracted by an enjoyable/relaxing activity, but he does care. He always cares. And he never feels like he deserves to enjoy anything when there’s so much to do at home/work/his life. It’s unbelievably distressing. ADHD is a spectrum. I’m so glad that you are able to shrug it off and enjoy other things, but that’s not the reality for all ADHD sufferers.

  • EU wants to undo Brexit, a little bit, for people 18 to 30
  • I get the sentiment but you’re glossing over two important things; 48.11% of people voted to remain and there hasn’t been a second referendum.

    Half the country wanted to remain, the other half are racists and/or idiots that believed the outright lies peddled by the leave campaign. Latest polls suggest 60% would vote to remain today but we’re not being offered the chance to vote on that. Voting labour in general elections doesn’t mean we get to rejoin the EU.

  • I was handed this lovely flyer while grocery shopping
  • I’m high risk as I’m immunosuppressed. I’ve had 8 vaccines, shielded for well over a year and always wore a mask. I finally caught COVID last week. There’s not a doubt in my mind that I would have died already if I hadn’t been vaccinated. My oxygen saturation levels just keep dropping - 90% today. I’m going to have to go to hospital ☹️

  • I made this cute little spud for my partner and I've never seen a 40 y/o man so pleased with a ridiculous gift! 😂




    Yeah, well...

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    Hardly the most exciting photo, but my knitting has improved so much lately and I'm really pleased with how neat this hat looks so far.

    I don’t know anyone irl who might be vaguely interested so I thought I’d post here! I’m making this hat for my MIL when I see her in a few weeks. It’s a free pattern and you can find it here.


    Your perennial reminder that Keven Sorbo is an idiot.

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    JustGuysBeingDudes SomeoneElse


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    Mixed messages

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    Not an employee.

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    thieved from elsewhere

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    The frogs

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    Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay?

    I know this will vary a lot, so hypothetically let’s say you currently WFH/work remotely at least 3 days a week. Your commute to work takes an hour max (door to door) each way. If you were given the choice of a 4 day week working onsite, or a 5 day week WFH (or as many days as you’d like) for the same pay, which would you choose?


    Well this aged like milk.

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