Middle aged cis-women who loves TTRPG, anarchism, gardening, cooking and self-sufficiency (without the wierd trad-caths)
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Posts 0
Comments 6
Fell in Love with Fire 2 0
Amo mucho al Negro Matapacos
Comrade Krasnov is just a follower of Leninist thought! 7 0
JDPON Don strikes again!
PTB mod within this community? 13 0
YDI enforcing the instance rules isn't powertripping
dear (western) liberals, please remember: you already had this wayyyy before Trump or other (proto) fascists took over 29 0
the usa has a sad legacy of disappearing activists from COINTELPRO to the BLM leader murders
Musk reposted post that said, 'Stalin, Mao and Hitler didn't murder millions of people' [CORRECT ATTRIBUTION] 3 0
how is this even real ... next level of genocide denial
Arrival of the Floating Fortress 2 0
really cool!!
would make a really fun Traveller game premise