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'Crazed in his hatred for me': Trump blows top over judge ordering Ivanka to testify
  • A just world like Pala from aldous Huxleys:The island? Good read, highly recommended if you share the same mindset as me. Which, although not quite as far along the journey as me, you seem to.

  • Do it for your own reason rule
  • Wow, I scrolled through your history and landed one one random comment.

    If you see humans default to this, it's only a reflection of yourself, and I mirror the guy who replied to you. Therepy would really help you.

    Choose to see the good, or proliferate the bad, your choice.

  • 15,000 Scientists Warn Society Could 'Collapse' This Century In Dire Climate Report
  • This @pintdrunkenelephant guy's a reactionary dog with a bone they can't let go of. An antagonist and contrarian, the antithesis of what they preach, unable to see the big picture, and nothing will ever be good enough for them till the world burns. I wouldn't bother mate.

  • A police dog attacked a Black trucker on his knees. An Ohio city is dealing with the aftermath
  • So, here we are.

    You said your piece, and it turns out you're completely wrong in your assumptions, and instead of addressing that fact, and re-engageing me, you've ignored what I replied with. You stroked your ego initially by not engaging with me and addressing every one else in the thread, in a very shallow way I might add, but I do wonder how your ego is doing now? This is a potential learning point for you, but only you can decide to become better than the person you were a few days ago. I do hope.

    Maybe you've just learnt the term sealioning, and it's your word of the week. You might carry on lambasting people based on your misguided interpretations, but I have hope you'll one day think critically about this interaction, and move forward with a new understanding.

    I'll go out on a limb and assume you're American, young, and just immature and naive enough to think you have all the answers, which from my experience leaves you an "all or nothing" attitude, and so everything is a fight for you.

    Unable to see nuance in conversation, especially over the Internet where context is very easily mistaken, I'll give you some friendly, human to human advice; sometimes people just want to learn, and not everything is a fight you have to take.

    Based on the aggressive tone of your comment, seeing a legitimate question as a perceived slight at best, you might already be set in your ways.

    To put it bluntly, you saw that you should gatekeep a learning moment for someone else, probably more or less on your side, trying to understand the nuance of the conversation.

    I read something on here that makes a lot of sense to me, and so I'll repeat it here. The America DEI mentality is anything but inclusive, and is very confrontational to the point of working against what it's supposed to defend.

    I recommend you read Aldous Huxleys:The island, and try to understand that compassion, not baseless vitriol, is the way we progress as a species.

    If you take anything away from this, coming from someone far further along the left leaning path you're quite clearly on, to me you're just as bad as the people you vilify, such as the police in America. Your reaction without due cause is just as bad as theirs, thankfully you haven't nearly the power or influence they have, and if you are truly are as liberal as you think you are, I believe you're at least on the right path, even if your delivery and methods are synonymous with the right.

    I wish you the best for the future.

    Yours sincerely, the biggest advocate for a true functional utopia you'll ever have the pleasure of interacting with, online or in person.


  • A police dog attacked a Black trucker on his knees. An Ohio city is dealing with the aftermath
  • Let's take the thought a step further and ask; who's existence wouldn't prevent the meaningful enforcement of the law?

    IMO police, or something to that nature, are pretty necessary in today's society, but the boundaries they have, are stepped over time and time again, without the proper repercussions.

    What's your take?

  • Finland says gas pipeline likely broken by ship dragging anchor
  • Hanlon's razor my friend. Till more evidence, they're just fucking idiots.

    Edit: I reserved judgement, but after further reading, signs are pointing to sabotage, still, not conclusive.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Apparently everyone who disagrees with you is a toxic troll. Look under your own shoe bro lol.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You replied to the wrong comment, and I reread what I put, nowhere did I say I enjoy causing pain to others, I'd advise you reread it..

    Enjoy is a choice word, but you betrayed yourself when you said this "Ah yes Vine, definitely a relevant thing in 2023 that everyone references. Thanks for reminding me that Vine existed, I had actually forgotten."

    Everything you've received, you invited, and continue to do so.

    But go ahead, keep us up there, popping into your thoughts when you think you're happy, just to tell you this:

    You missed a joke/reference, then got pissy. If this back and forth in this thread has caused you any turmoil, I'm sorry, but that's completely on you mate.

    It's up to you to recognise that.

    Take care bro, seems you have bigger problems than us.


  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Enjoy is a choice word, but you betrayed yourself when you said this "Ah yes Vine, definitely a relevant thing in 2023 that everyone references. Thanks for reminding me that Vine existed, I had actually forgotten."

    Everything you've received, you invited, and continue to do so.

    But go ahead, keep us up there, popping into your thoughts when you think you're happy, just to tell you this:

    You missed a joke/reference, then got pissy. If this back and forth in this thread has caused you any turmoil, I'm sorry, but that's completely on you mate.

    It's up to you to recognise that.

    Take care bro, seems you have bigger problems than us.


  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's literally 30 seconds out my day, if it's that hard to take, I think it's pretty obvious it's your issue here.

    But by all means, keep everyone who's shit on you in this thread, carry them round in your head, eating away at your psyche.

    Jfc recognise when to bow out you clown lol.

  • Vegan food: The west vs India
  • Hmm I was 27 years a meat eater, advocating for meat consumption in the face of a vegan mate. Saying things like "we need a little bit of meat in our diets...they're killed humanely...etc"

    Took me one moment of realisation, then I dunno, I just tried, not even that hard, vegan 7 years now.

    I can see that the transitional foods are a good stepping stone, but imo, the second you see inside the animal agriculture industry without any blinders on (biases), you'll choose to act within your life, if you have the compassion/empathy to.

    If someone sees the reality of what goes on behind closed doors and continues to consume animals in much the same way, it says more about that persons internal morality than anything else.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You have a strange idea of what "the loop" is.

    And you have no idea, keep up.

    Just say "all the time" if your memory is that bad mate.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Aside from this, you out the loop a lot?

  • Time to grow up.
  • You'll just never know. Others will. Move on. Be better X

  • Time to grow up.
  • ..because I'm accusing you of speaking incoherently?

    If that's what you believe, that's OK.

    Instead of just insulting me, why don't you try harder to explain what you mean?

    Sorry if you feel I insulted you..? You're trying to have a debate here, I'm not. That's it. Get over it, move on with your life. Or keep me in your head rent free idm. If you can't read between the lines, and see the bigger picture, there are future vegans that will see, and then act, as I did.

    Whatever your goal, you either know what you're doing, or don't, isn't my concern, and it's apparant from the off that your anti vegan stance comes before anything worth responding to. That's why my engagement with you is low. Others will see through it (intended or not).

    If you need to feel the thrill of a win, here you go.

    You'd actually make a brilliant case study on anti vegan rhetoric ngl.

    Here's my disengagement kiss. X

  • Time to grow up.
  • At this point I think you're either an anti vegan bot/troll, an animal agriculture shill, or just someone so enraptured in the decision they've made, before ever really thinking, that I genuinely feel sorry about what got you to this point.

    You'd made your mind up ages ago, yet you're still looking for my attention.. So yeah, either bot/troll, shill, or dogmatic to the point you're blind to how you come across.


  • Time to grow up.
  • You said it yourself, but yeah you do misunderstand.

    Like I said it's not meant for people like you. It's meant for people who I don't need to convince that what we unnecessarily do is wrong, you'll feel it if you have the empathy, and that's entirely on you and your morality bro.

    The people this will reach and make think, will tell people what needs to be done, and even when they know, and don't want to do it because irrelevant reasons, they STILL do what needs to be done, because compassion.

    If you don't get it, it's OK! It's not meant to "be got" by you.

    Take care, try be better bro x

  • Time to grow up.
  • Fail mate, go watch any number of exposé's.

    Chalked it up to "horrific soundbytes" lmao, got your head buried in the sand pal.

    Miss me with your lack of compassion.

  • Time to grow up.
  • It's not meant for you. I can assume it's meant for people whom it does bother, and also don't know.