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Skoobie Skoobie

Mail Carrier, Autistic, Parent, Pagan, and a very cool dog.

Nonbinary with no preferred pronouns. Engaged to a bisexual sponge.

Posts 45
Comments 107
[Bug] Number of members
  • I'm pretty sure that's not a bug. That's how it is even on a browser. Now, maybe there's a way for the app to scrape the subscription numbers from each instance and display the sum.

  • Would that be a.....snail trail?
  • That's how you turn a date into a relationship.

  • Massive turnout for Regina rally in support of parents' rights
  • I remember back when parents freaked out because we were wearing different colored bracelets to school and that it meant we were doing bad sex things. I yearn for that level of stupid nowadays. It was so much smarter than "No! No! The school isn't allowed to tell Jimmy he can be Jenny. That's, like, against what my God says..... or something."

  • Nevada man files lawsuit after being arrested (again) for filming police
  • They're supposed to have body cams on all the time and yet still do this shit. Why don't people trust cops anymore? I just can't imagine.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah. Like I get what OP is saying but the fact is that serial killers are generally less hazardous on a global level than your average lawn care company.

  • What are some hidden gems and rare pieces of media? Maybe even deleted or lost on all legal distribution platforms?
  • Batgirl refers to the film that was in post production that Zaslav canceled so that HBO could get a tax write-off. If I'm ever in the room with Zaslav, my partner understands I'm going to spend the night in jail.

    Fantastic Four had a 1994 film that was made but never released. It's able to be pirated tho.

    Fantastic Four 1994 wiki

  • What are some hidden gems and rare pieces of media? Maybe even deleted or lost on all legal distribution platforms?
  • Gotta love old school MST3K! Our favorite is I was A Teenage Werewolf. He's going for the milk!

  • What are some hidden gems and rare pieces of media? Maybe even deleted or lost on all legal distribution platforms?
    • Classic Doctor Who
    • Halloween VI (producer's cut)
    • Kazaam (Sinbad edition)
    • Fantastic Four
    • Batgirl (I can dream 😂)
  • Unity apologizes and updates their infamous Runtime Fee
  • Each one of these placating statements from them expressed sorrow for not listening/communicating more with their consumers, but I can't help noticing a conspicuous lack of apology to their own employees.

    Like, stop acting as if this is out of a clear blue sky and you're simply course-correcting in good faith. Your own people told you this would happen. My trust in Unity is gone until they address this.

  • Striking WGA resumes negotiations with studios
  • I totally agree that streaming residuals are going to be the skeleton that any deal builds on. But until the Streamers are compelled to be transparent with their viewer data, it won't be a good faith offer.

  • Striking WGA resumes negotiations with studios
  • I'm just waiting for the sweetener Hollywood adds in this time. Maybe they'll work in an increase on the minimum number of bathroom breaks allowed to extras and grips.

  • What's the biggest plot hole in real life?
  • Out of curiosity, why put the 10 commandments before the words of Jesus? I dig the general point you're making but that caught my eye.

  • What's the biggest plot hole in real life?
  • Nah, that's not a plot hole. That's just a seed for the Act 3 twist we're due in about 2 years. When the Vatican incorporates and invades Yugoslavia.

  • What's the biggest plot hole in real life?
  • The Space Race ended without closing ceremonies.

  • What's the most expensive thing you've eaten? Was it worth it?
  • Maybe when he was still CEO 😂

  • Petition against the AFA hosting an event at Stonehenge
  • Bright side is that the backlash was so significant it caused the AFA to cancel the event with a vague plan to reschedule and an organizer to delete their Twitter account. Within like 36 hours. So it's nice to see a unified pagan front against BS bigotry.

  • Don't piss off the H.O.A.

    cross-posted from:

    > Lady takes a minute before Purge to basically say "You know we all feel exploited by your predatory soliciting and that you owe us for financing your recent home addition, right? Anywho, laters." > > It's Chekhov's Veiled Threat lol.


    Don't piss off the H.O.A.

    Lady takes a minute before Purge to basically say "You know we all feel exploited by your predatory soliciting and that you owe us for financing your recent home addition, right? Anywho, laters."

    It's Chekhov's Veiled Threat lol.

    Well let's not do anything hasty
  • Ah, now I will admit to there having been a potential nuance. I certainly would want a trial before an execution, for instance. But I also think it would be wrong to assume these scientists were completely morally innocent. Maybe I could be persuaded from my earlier opinion of "You always shoot a Nazi" but there needs to be something to show. A diary entry saying "I'm not sure about this Hitler fella." Something.

  • Well let's not do anything hasty
  • To be frank, it would be hard to siphon out truth from fiction at this point from personal accounts. That said, of course I distinguish between a forced Nazi accomplice and a sympathizer. I am not suggesting that they should be treated the same. I am suggesting that the U.S. was so zealous in its efforts to defeat the Russians that it wasn't making distinctions.

  • Nancy Reagan gets her Christmas gift/kinks granted causing Ronald to literally lose his mind (1983)
  • You should talk to some of my peers from high school lol. You'd swear there was a DrugLand and TerroristLand if you listened to them 😂

  • Does an oven pre-heat quicker with a large cast iron pan in it?
  • No, I'm referring to the transferring of coldness. It's true they don't water down your drink. I'm here to say, tho, that they don't chill your drink really either lol.

  • Petition against the AFA hosting an event at Stonehenge Sign the Petition

    Stop the Asatru Folk Assembly Winter Nights event at Stonehenge

    Sign the Petition

    Groups like the AFA and WBC are explicitly intolerant. They also own private properties. Therefore, they should not be tolerated outside of their own land. Hate groups need to be addressed, not accommodated.

    Paganism Skoobie

    Tarot Coin

    cross-posted from:

    > I accidentally backed a Kickstarter for this but it's actually fun and useful. Taking an entire deck with me to work or wherever can be cumbersome but this coin fits in my pocket and doubles as a fidget. Love it for that. > > Anybody else grab one of these or something similar?

    tarot Skoobie

    Tarot Coin

    I accidentally backed a Kickstarter for this but it's actually fun and useful. Taking an entire deck with me to work or wherever can be cumbersome but this coin fits in my pocket and doubles as a fidget. Love it for that.

    Anybody else grab one of these or something similar?


    Double-check your bag. Make sure you've got the right one.

    cross-posted from:

    > Or at least have a plan for the wrong one.


    Faking a cop's death scores you a date with Angelina Jolie.

    cross-posted from:

    > She'll even wear a dress 😂


    Button to edit posts?

    Is there one that I'm not seeing? I can edit comments and I can delete posts but I don't see an option to add the edit button.


    My favorite Reddit post I ever saved

    Apologies if this has been posted before.

    Edit: I realize this was originally posted on Tumblr, but I have never had a Tumblr account. I assure y'all, I saved this from Reddit 😂.


    Saints Row Reboot is Awesome

    I'm loving it. I've played the whole series for years and I think it's fantastic. Like, I understand that it's more PC than SR2 and some take issue with that, but I feel like the hatred towards it has become a bandwagon. I personally like that it took a more grounded but still progressive position in its storytelling. I love a good friendship story. People keep saying it deviated from SR2, but I feel like those people miss that time more than they miss that game.

    Regardless, having a blast. 30 hours in and counting. Yes, I waited til the Steam release lol.
