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Comments 2
Every App is a dating app 3 30
And you are called a fucking woke gay ass nigga
They should have a trash can outside the type of public restrooms where you have to turn a door handle to get out so you can throw away a paper towel if you use it to open the door. 1 19
I guess having down syndrome is bad after all.
Russian court finds playwright and director duo guilty over Isis wives play 1 12
Good. Terrorists should remain in jail or dead
Barcelona anti-tourism protesters fire water pistols at visitors 3 29
Barcelona is Morocco so nobody cares
Barcelona anti-tourism protesters fire water pistols at visitors 1 28
Fucking pussy. If I had a weapon i would just rape your fucking daughter and sell you the weapon to kill a nigga
Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data shows 2 17
Good. It should be higher