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Sinclair-Speccy Sinclair-Speccy

Hello there! I am Sinclair-Speccy and your local resident computer nerd. I like to emulate OSes in 86box and sometimes share retro tech ads. My website hosts reviews and guides I simply make for fun, so enjoy looking at my profile :)

I'm also over at and have a website hosted on Github Pages

Posts 16
Comments 4

I'm still alive!

I'm still awake and alive, but mainly on Mastodon


I realised I haven't checked here in a while because I do school + work and damn, I forgot this stuff was linked to the Fediverse ^^;;

I realised I haven't checked here in a while because I do school + work and damn, I forgot this stuff was linked to the Fediverse ^^;;


/kbin meta Sinclair-Speccy

NSFW in the "newest" section?

Is anyone else getting uncensored NSFW in the "newest" section? It's not the greatest thing to see.

Are there any plans to censor this stuff? I know you can mark posts as NSFW but that doesn't solve much

Did you reuse your Reddit name or create a new one?
  • Reddit doesn't really have the option to change your username IIRC so I am using the name I would have used on Reddit if it wasn't for my dumb teenage brain at the time :P

  • Introductions!

    Introduce yourself here in this thread! You can use the following template below as a start. Not all parts are required:

    ``` Internet username/alias: Interests/hobbies: What interests you about retro/vintage OSes? What was the first OS you used as a kid? What is your current OS you use?

