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SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast

Goof. Have your opinions, but do no harm.

Posts 10
Comments 33
What's your "old person" trait?
  • I literally ripped up a giant amount of my lawn to put in a shitty but sizable wildflower garden. Also ripped up almost the entire perimeter and put in an unreasonable amount of lilies to surround my property.

    All because when I moved in, I saw people just casually cutting through my yard.

  • how do you all not respond to bigots in comments?
  • I equate it to trying to hold a rational, reasonable conversation with a guy screaming on a street corner: not going to happen.

    Walk on by and go about your day.

  • U.S. Coast Guard opens Marine Board of Investigation into fatal sub implosion
  • Thank you! Seems this tragedy could absolutely have been avoided. The guy didn't want to have to run it through inspections! Vile.

  • U.S. Coast Guard opens Marine Board of Investigation into fatal sub implosion
  • Could you please explain this or point me to a source on this?

  • Donde estan?
  • I heard that this game is actually pretty good.

  • Shimmer and sparkle!

    [tattoo of the character "Rainbow Fish" with text]


    This is the skin of a killer, Bella


    Me looking at all my hard work and realizing that it didn't turn out how I wanted

    Oh the misery


    Howdy, folks!

    PÄ…czki is a silkback / scaleless bearded dragon. Because of this, he is a "special needs" animal and will require extra care for the rest of his life.

    Please do not purchase or support the breeding of scaleless bearded dragons! It makes their lives much more difficult, and most do not make it to adulthood due to their extra needs and often poor health.

    PÄ…czki was adopted from a breeder for a tiny fee + shipping. He was produced accidentally and the breeding pair he came from were no longer bred after they found him.

    I have extensive experience with bearded dragons, so even though I did not go out looking to adopt a silkback, the opportunity popped up and I accepted my fate.

    I love my dumb dumb PÄ…czki so darn much.

    ADHD screenshots
  • If I can't see it right in front of me, right now, it doesn't exist! That's just science!

  • On Politics and Forking
  • Personally, I don't think you have to try to get along with someone who wants to cause harm to or supress the rights of certain people that they don't like/agree with .

    It's wrong, and it makes me sick.

    Had to cut off a dear friend of mine recently for just that reason, and we'd been friend for nearly 20 years. I don't have to tolerate hate or intolerance in order to "get along" with people.

  • On Politics and Forking
  • This particular group/instance seems to be in support of "equity", not "equality".

    If that is an issue for you, there are many many many other places better suited for your needs & wants.

  • On Politics and Forking
  • There's not a single person here who cannot infer from the context that the term "minorities" used in this instance in referring to "historically oppressed racial minorities". You also know this. This is semantics, at this point.

    But I'll bite: in your opinion, what term/word should be used instead of "minorities"?

  • On Politics and Forking
  • The problem with people who have this mindset is that they've simply dehumanized people who struggle.

    Poor people? Political agenda. LGBTQ? Political agenda. Minorities? Political agenda.

    They refuse to think about ways these people can be helped or why these people are in these positions in the first place.

    It bothers them because it is not a problem they have to deal with, so when it pops up, they get annoyed because "I've never seen/experienced this happening in my own life, so it's either A). wildly exaggerated or B). it doesn't actually exist."

    They're not thinking about the people who face these issues on a constant basis: they're thinking about "the issue" removed from who it is affecting. Thus: it's political. So of course they hate when it's brought up. It's meaninglessness to them! You're just trying to "stir the pot" if you mention it.

  • Slashdot -> Fark -> Digg -> Reddit -> Lemmy
  • Nope nope sorry sorry! I just woke up and misread your comment as disagreeing with the sentiment, but I just reread it and realize that you were in agreement. I was just trying to explain my view further.

    Sorry!! Lol I'll try to post less when I'm still tired!!

  • On Politics and Forking
  • Hopefully this is not inappropriate, but regarding the "this platform was made by tankies"–argument:

  • Slashdot -> Fark -> Digg -> Reddit -> Lemmy
  • It's different with subs focused on addiction & recovery though.

    Maybe it's a very bad idea to targeted knife ads in a suicide watch sub, you know? Susceptible people and all.

  • On Politics and Forking
  • Is existing as a minority inherently part of a political agenda now?

    Is making sure that minorities that are often targeted or made to feel unsafe have a place where they aren't made to feel that way also a political agenda now?

    Come on now.

  • On Politics and Forking
  • Not only that, but tons of advancements in female healthcare in the US was made because doctors often experimented on black female slaves with the permission of their owners. Obviously, these women did not consent, and you can surmise how horrifying this is.

    You can enjoy the benefits of more advanced healthcare for women in many areas now because of the results of these without being complicit in these histories or endorsing the way they came about.

    The knowledge and tools we now have can be used to make things better and use them to further good causes, despite their orgins. That does not put blood on your hands.

  • My girl checking out my project!
  • More herps! More herps! 💙

  • Is anybody else experiencing lag?
  • Yeah, my posts & replies keep giving me a longer wait time. I grew up on dial-up internet, though, so it doesn't bother me too much.

    I figured that the lag was because of the migration.

  • Bathroom safety

    Something I WONT miss from Reddit/other social medias
  • I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

    Do note, though, that there are aces who don't mind sexual discussions or comments. The only connecting factor between the label is that we do not experience sexual attraction, nor do we desire to have sex.

    Some aces break it down further into preferences when it comes to sexual discussion: sex-neutral, sex-averse, and sex-repulsed. Sex-positive is there, too, as some aces have no issues discussing it, but that often gives the impression/misinterpretation that there are aces who desire sex, which is obviously an oxymoron.

    Lastly, the asexual community is actually very very very small. Like, ridiculously so. The chances of you running across an ace-identifying person is a fraction of a percent, so don't worry too much about tiptoeing to cater to our subsect (although I very much appreciate the sentiment)!

  • Slow improvements


    "I get it!" Until you realize that, no, they don't get it.

    Invisible struggles may be the worst kind of struggles. Or if you're not blending in, people insist that "you should try." It's especially hard coming from family members who know you but refuse to acknowledge that you can't just """change your brain""" and """be normal""".

    This can also apply to invisible illnesses & mental health. Please know that there are people out there who get you. You're not alone.




    My scaleless bearded dragon! He likes to watch cars out the window.

    His name is PÄ…czki! He was born naked because of a genetic mutation, causing him to have no scales. Which is very very bad.

    Luckily, the breeder I contacted inquiring about a different adoption offered him up to me for a 20$ after hearing that I had years of experience rescuing and fostering.

    I had NO plans to get a "special needs" animal, but he tugged at my heartstrings, and we've been together for 3 years now! I learned so much about these guys (their care is wildly misunderstood, as not many people own them/can keep them alive for very long), and he is what brings me joy and happiness everyday.

    Please do NOT support the practice of breeding or selling scaleless bearded dragons!! Their skin is very sensitive, and their need to rub on rough objects while shedding is..... well, in their nature, so doing so without scales with damage them without proper diligence.

    Pet your lil guys often. (:
