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ShanJezi Shan
Posts 1
Comments 10
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  • It's been almost two and a half years since I've had a drink. Still bartending though and feeling very burnt out. I really want to make a career change, but I'm feeling like I don't have many skills or a degree and honestly I just don't find any jobs appealing. Depression is hitting kind of hard today. No desire to drink though, so that's a win I guess.

  • I crave mental lint. What are some interesting facts that the hivemind (you) have stored away?
  • I watched a YouTube video which discussed a similar issue with a pop song. I want to say it was something by Jennifer Lopez (?) which had a part that matched the resonant frequency of the hard drive in a certain laptop model and caused the hard drive to crash

  • I just finished this temari ball
  • That's so cool. I have a giant box of embroidery thread that I think I will have to use for this.

  • What subreddits would you like to see replicated on the Fediverse?
  • There's one called !sketchbook

    edit: nvm that was on Hive

  • What are you cooking/eating this week?
  • It's not very hard to make. I very loosely follow this recipe

  • What are you cooking/eating this week?
  • I made a thai vegetable curry the other day with chickpeas that was so good. There's a thai restaurant in town that does a curry dish that is topped with raw red onion, and I've been super into doing that and tons of lime when I make it too

  • Can we bring back casual conversation?
  • My morning is going good. I have the day off and a friend's birthday party to go to later. I'm going to spend some time rehearsing music for the barbershop chorus I sing in, and maybe crochet a little bit.

  • another beehaw introduction thread
  • Here's a crochet community that could use some traffic!

  • crocheters of lemmy Shan

    Here are some slippers I made

    I found this pattern on ravelry and have made a few pairs. Love wearing them around the house.
