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[WCT Translation] Arc 9, Chapter 1
  • Loved the final ending for Eugard and Iris/Yorna.

    Petra POV for majority of the chapter is not something I was expecting for the first chapter but it could've been worse.

    Not an amazing start to arc 9 but given we're still technically in arc 8 territory I wasn't expecting it to be. Hopefully next chapter they start heading back to the Kingdom and we can begin the real arc 9

  • Arc 9, Chapter 1

    Fleetcom Operation Sandbox Update
  • I still wish the sentinel beam had "infinite" range.

  • Grenade jumping is finally coming to Infinite as part of the Fleetcom operation update next week
  • That's an interesting point, never thought about that.

    I'm not so sure it applies here though, there's been complaints about Infinite's physics since the start with a lack of grenade jumping being one mentioned thing not working like previous titles. Unless they're doing the classic 343 move of forgetting what you learned from the previous game, this just feels like them trying to get small wins into the game whilst they can

  • Arc 9, Chapter 2 discussion

    Translation N/A

    Previous chapter

    Concerned Ape (Stardew Valley): I swear on the honor of my family name, i will never charge money for a DLC or update for as long as I live. Screencap this and shame me if I ever violate this oath.
  • Based.

    Though I would 100% be fine with paying for Stardew DLC, the base game is worth so much more than its current price

  • Arc 9, Chapter 1 discussion
  • Arc 9 is titled "Light of a Nameless Star"

  • Arc 9, Chapter 1 discussion
  • And so, the next arc begins!

  • Arc 9, Chapter 1 discussion

    Announcement Regarding Termination of Contract with Hizaki Gamma
  • Sounds very similar to the Mel situation, especially since he was able to make a final post on his Twitter.

    July strikes again

  • ‘Halo’ Canceled After Two Seasons at Paramount+
  • Thank fuck, hopefully if they do try another tv series or even a movie, they make it in the canon timeline and you know, actually good

  • ‘Halo’ Canceled After Two Seasons at Paramount+

    The live-action "Halo" series has been canceled at Paramount+, Variety has learned.

    ‘Halo’ Canceled After Two Seasons at Paramount+
    Why Innersloth is funding your next favorite indie game. From the makers of Among Us comes Outersloth, a funding initiative
  • Iirc they were working on among us 2 then decided to scrap that and just add the planned features to the original game. Definitely the best choice for the situation

  • It's real...
  • The shrouded ghost. I have slain it

  • It's real...

    The State of 343 Industries Summary
  • I personally don't mind some of the less serious cosmetics but I 100% get why others don't like it. But selling us colours which we've been free to select since the first game was a terrible decision, I still can't even choose the combination I'd like to have.

    But yeah, story dlc and map packs I would be much happier to buy than a different shade of red, as long as they were actual dev made maps and the dlc was actually good

  • The State of 343 Industries Summary
  • Well Infinite was free to play it was only the campaign you had to pay for. But even considering that, previous games you'd get the campaign and multiplayer in that one price, but for Infinite is was just the campaign and at launch it didn't even have co-op like previous games

  • The State of 343 Industries Summary

    This is a summary of the long thread from Bathrobe Spartan which you can find here:

    343 kept losing people in 2023 & 2024. Lead to more outsourcing content. Contracts not being renewed. 50-60 people let go on top of the >100 laid off.

    Some roles transferred to MS/Xbox Team instead of being internalized at 343.

    343 still relying on contractors, staff are not pleased to see leadership has not learned from the production of Infinite.

    Less than 280 employees as of May 2024, with 30% of them related to Game-Content-Production, the rest are business oriented roles & producers.

    Not enough positions have been opened to fill the gap from what it was before 2023. ~32 permanent positions opened in 2023 & 2024. Not enough staff to be "Production Ready".

    343's budget has been severely impacted and controlled. This is why recruiting took longer and pushed people to leave. Key roles couldn't be replaced in time to finish content left.

    Halo Infinite didn't meet its commercial goals but made enough to justify finishing the content already contracted with external studios, but not enough to justify doing more than was started. Quote from an ex employee "No we made money, we made a lot of money. But when I walked into the test bay to test the latest build EVERY FUCKING DAY the guy running it said "why bother, they are gonna hate it anyway" that's demoralizing. I would love to tell you what we worked on, but I can't and won't, not just because of the NDA but because I'm being loyal to the company. I still want to work there. It does bother me people praise Pierre, like, who do you think mandated Forge Maps going forward..."

    Partnered forge maps not being high quality is due to to 343 being tied to legal obligations to fulfil the contracts but not enough time left to polish.

    As the product did not reach its commercial goal, projection implied it wasn't worth contracting new content outside cosmetics. Meaning no new sandbox additions.

    During 2023 & 2024, many employees helped other Xbox studios on their products as most Infinite content was handled by contracted studios.

    343 shifting to a new production method, separating "Leading development" and Production. Hiring lead positions to do the concept and pre-production in-house & handing off the production work to other studios, similar to Halo Wars 2. Recruiting less content-creating roles and more lead profiles to test, iterate and validate content and gameplay before working with external studios to go full production. 2 studios are currently partnered to work on 2 separate projects this way. Both still in pre-production. One is a bigger scale PvP oriented project. At least 2 years before any release.

    Aim of this new production method is to help produce content for games at a reliable pace and more cost effective. Hopefully won't lead to reproducing what happened with Infinite.

    Remaining 343 staff have echoed they feel like 343 Industries isn't as much "The Home of Halo" as it was promised to them. They hope this new method of production will be the best for the franchise.

    [LN Spoilers] Question about Wiz
  • Kazuma buys a shit ton of crystals that restore mana and Megumin just unloads explosion after explosion onto it

  • [JP; EN subs] Hajime on the reality of being a Hololive VTuber (clip)
  • I think it was Kiara who mentioned a while ago about how people want to join Holo thinking it'll be easy but there's so much they have to do off stream, it's not just stream every so often and you're free for the rest of the day

  • NVIDIA Driver 556.12
  • Might be fixed in this version but has anyone else been having issues with ShadowPlay just disabling itself constantly? Pretty much every time I turn on my PC I have to re enable it

  • Multi-Team has been added to Infinite as a Combat Workshop playlist
  • This, I know it's pretty sad but honestly when those rumours that Microsoft were going to essentially shelve Halo started coming out I got quite emotional about it, I have such fond memories of this franchise and I didn't want to see it go out like that.

    Going into Infinite I was saying this was their last chance for me but they did enough right with the actual game and after it to let me give them one more. I don't expect the next game to be Halo 2/3 levels of quality but if it's not a worthy successor to those games then I'm out.

    Microsoft have this golden goose that they just refuse to handle properly, one studio doing the main games is fine but this universe is huge, we've been begging for spin off games not focused on Chief and we aren't getting them. They have loads of studios that probably have people who would love to make a Halo game, so let them

  • Light Novel 38 Prologue

    This is a translation of the summary posted here

    Minecraft for PlayStation 5
  • I see, still though PS5 has been out for years suprised it took this long. Does the Series X have a native version or is that still running the Xbox One version?

  • Minecraft for PlayStation 5
  • Wait this wasn't already a thing? Was it Microsoft just delaying the PS5 version or Sony with their weird anti cross platform behaviour holding it back.

    I thought the point of Bedrock edition was to have it accessible on basically anything that can run the game

  • 【#holoJustice】Onwards and upwards, innit.【hololive English】
  • EN 4? Didn't expect that so soon after how long Advent took

  • Volume 38 Hidden Prologue summary from Ice



    Arc 8, Curtain's Close


    Arc 8, Chapter 74


    Arc 8, Chapter 73


    Arc 8, Chapter 72


    New Season 3 Preview



    Season 3 episode 1 will be 90 minutes in length and be broadcast at the LA Convention Centre on July 5th!

    Full post: The first episode of Re: Zero Season Three will be a massive 90 minutes in length and will broadcast at the LA Convention Centre on July the 5th, where Subaru's Voice Actor (Yusuke Kobayashi), and other members, will be in attendance!


    Arc 8, Chapter 71


    Arc 8, Curtain's Close discussion


    Arc 8, Chapter 74 discussion


    Arc 8, Chapter 70


    Arc 8, Chapter 69


    There's a fake leak for Halo 7 going around but it's too comedic not to share, whoever wrote this is an actual clown

    You can find it here if you want to read the full thing:

    It basically says that "classic style gameplay" doesn't work for the franchise because of the lowering player numbers and "feedback from Reddit". That's already enough to claim it's bs.

    "Anything Halo Infinite has done will be ignored and Halo 5 is the blueprint that Project Halo 7 (tentative title) will be built on." Mmm yes let's build a game based on H5, the one that was received so poorly it caused them to go back to classic styled.

    All abilities from H5 will be back and includes double jump and wall running. Come on, you're just taking ideas from Titanfall.

    This bit is the icing on the cake. "The goal of the campaign's story is to be "the true Halo 6" after the nonsense that was Halo Infinite." I find it hard to believe that someone would think that Infinite was more nonsense than 5.

    Rest of it is just prometheans returning but nerfed and no banished but from the first point you can tell this is bs, I just felt like sharing it
