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ShadowCat ShadowCat

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Multi-Team has been added to Infinite as a Combat Workshop playlist
  • This, I know it's pretty sad but honestly when those rumours that Microsoft were going to essentially shelve Halo started coming out I got quite emotional about it, I have such fond memories of this franchise and I didn't want to see it go out like that.

    Going into Infinite I was saying this was their last chance for me but they did enough right with the actual game and after it to let me give them one more. I don't expect the next game to be Halo 2/3 levels of quality but if it's not a worthy successor to those games then I'm out.

    Microsoft have this golden goose that they just refuse to handle properly, one studio doing the main games is fine but this universe is huge, we've been begging for spin off games not focused on Chief and we aren't getting them. They have loads of studios that probably have people who would love to make a Halo game, so let them

  • Minecraft for PlayStation 5
  • I see, still though PS5 has been out for years suprised it took this long. Does the Series X have a native version or is that still running the Xbox One version?

  • Minecraft for PlayStation 5
  • Wait this wasn't already a thing? Was it Microsoft just delaying the PS5 version or Sony with their weird anti cross platform behaviour holding it back.

    I thought the point of Bedrock edition was to have it accessible on basically anything that can run the game

  • 【#holoJustice】Onwards and upwards, innit.【hololive English】
  • EN 4? Didn't expect that so soon after how long Advent took

  • Volume 38 Hidden Prologue summary from Ice
  • Oh my, this is certainly adding fuel to the sussy Al fire. I wonder if he'll actually be an antagonist soon, two people with the ability to loop against each other will be interesting

  • Oh no, my friend. This is a mistake, a terrible mistake!
  • I only recently started watching love live but I'm 99.9% sure that it is not what you're thinking of

  • [WCT Translation] Arc 8, Curtain's Close
  • Wow did not see that coming. RIP Priscilla.

    I assumed she was aware of Al's authority but she knew about RBD too, I wonder how. Al also seems to be aware of it so maybe he told her, but then how does Al know. The Al = Subaru theory must be true!! There was some more fuel for that with the way they both reacted to the alcohol.

    Wonder how the rest of the characters and the whole world will react to Priscilla's death and what about the members of her camp, is Heinkel going to go through a redemption arc with Reinhard. Is Al going to join a new camp. Where's Schult going to go? So many questions.

    I'm also still curious about where Rem will go, I thought she might go with Priscilla but that won't be happening now, the only other option other than going with the Emilia camp, which I hope happens, is staying in the Empire with Katya. I don't want to just get the old Rem back but I do want her to stay with Ram.

    Overall, Arc 8 was certainly better than 7 but still on the weaker side of the story for me. Maybe my opinion will change when YenPress gets around to finishing the LN versions of arc 7 & 8 in about 5 years and I'll be able to read them again but for now, I'd probably say arc 8 was better than 1-3 and 7, but not better than 4-6.

    Looking forward to arc 9 though! Hopefully there'll be a decent break so I have time to catch up on side stories

  • [WCT Translation] Arc 8, Chapter 74
  • Ahhh Subaru back to his original self.

    Can't remember if he spoke to Emilia after getting his memories back in arc 6 so this might've been the first time he called her Emilia-tan in a while. Been reading the arc 6 LN so just something I picked up on.

    So the great disaster seems to be over, but given there's one more chapter I feel like there's something else needing to happen, especially given the name of the final chapter

  • Hiding read posts stopped working
  • Huh, I'm on and it works perfectly fine

  • Hiding read posts stopped working
  • I think it's because your instance is on 0.19.4 and that changed something with hiding posts

  • [WCT Translation] Arc 8, Chapter 72
  • :O She lifted the visor on Al's helmet. Who is he!?!?

  • In ~5 hours, IRyS, Ina, Calli, Shiori, and Nerissa are doing an EN quiz show + "a very special announcement"
  • It's coming up to a year since the last one and I presume it was a success, not sure what other full EN big announcement there would be

  • (Rumor) Halo CE is in the early states of getting a remake that may also come to Playstation
  • Yeah I thought the original leak that they were porting games for PS said it would be MCC so maybe that's been scrapped.

    I watched HiddenXperia's video on this yesterday and he mentioned that it could be a chance for the "new 343" to see what Bungie did with CE that made it so good that will help them with the next game. Even better if it's in Unreal so they won't have as much engine trouble.

    Hopefully they give the campaign the H2A treatment and make the multiplayer its own thing instead of using a different game

  • Season 3 episode 1 will be 90 minutes in length and be broadcast at the LA Convention Centre on July 5th!
  • And a follow up "The first episode. No episodes stitched together to make this up. Episode 1 was always planned with an extended length from the very onset of the Season Three project."

    I guess that's one way to get through the somewhat slow start to arc 5. Having a few 20 minute episodes before things kick off probably wouldn't have been received as well as this will

  • Season 3 episode 1 will be 90 minutes in length and be broadcast at the LA Convention Centre on July 5th!

    Full post: The first episode of Re: Zero Season Three will be a massive 90 minutes in length and will broadcast at the LA Convention Centre on July the 5th, where Subaru's Voice Actor (Yusuke Kobayashi), and other members, will be in attendance!

    [WCT Translation] Arc 8, Chapter 71
  • Damnit Subaru, why'd you have to interrupt Sphinx and Al, that conversation was just getting good. I doubt she's lying so Al was "created" to fulfil a specific purpose hmmm, I wonder what that could be.

  • [WCT Translation] Arc 8, Chapter 70
  • Ahhh Emilia coming in clutch to stop Sphinx's last resort.

    So Cecilus managed to get back to his original size and all by himself, no Olbart required. I wonder if Subaru will do the same and what the trigger will be

  • There's a fake leak for Halo 7 going around but it's too comedic not to share, whoever wrote this is an actual clown

    You can find it here if you want to read the full thing:

    It basically says that "classic style gameplay" doesn't work for the franchise because of the lowering player numbers and "feedback from Reddit". That's already enough to claim it's bs.

    "Anything Halo Infinite has done will be ignored and Halo 5 is the blueprint that Project Halo 7 (tentative title) will be built on." Mmm yes let's build a game based on H5, the one that was received so poorly it caused them to go back to classic styled.

    All abilities from H5 will be back and includes double jump and wall running. Come on, you're just taking ideas from Titanfall.

    This bit is the icing on the cake. "The goal of the campaign's story is to be "the true Halo 6" after the nonsense that was Halo Infinite." I find it hard to believe that someone would think that Infinite was more nonsense than 5.

    Rest of it is just prometheans returning but nerfed and no banished but from the first point you can tell this is bs, I just felt like sharing it
