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SeramisV SeramisV

Turn around


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Comments 47
Any ruldeas on what to use this laptop for?
  • To be fair, I ran gentoo with openrc for 3 years and it was mostly fine. Init systems don't matter that much.

    What would be funny is to have the musl void run on OP's beast.

  • What phone brand do you like the best?
  • Ooh that might be why your battery is so good. The Google services do eat up a lot of charge it seems.

    On the google free, I'm not perfect but I'm def conscious, and already am using mostly foss apps. The rest is just social media I can't really avoid. Thanks for the proposition though!

  • What phone brand do you like the best?
  • Its actually so good that the redmi note 8 (with lineageos-mucrog) I had before performed basically the same as my pixel 6a

  • What phone brand do you like the best?
  • Do you use the google play services and/or the alternate user accounts?

  • What phone brand do you like the best?
  • Have 6a and I actually got the same battery results as you

  • what's your favorite thing about Lemmy?
  • Yea, as some people have said, the fediverse and the threadiverse feel much more organic.

    Also, no tracking by shady companies is a big selling point

  • Green Energy
  • V1 ultrakill

  • Rulegious
  • He gog on magog until I tribulate

  • Funniest pre-cracking sign?
  • Being physically incapable of choosing/making a male character in video games

  • I wish I was this clever rule...
  • Hey, can I ask what client this is?

  • VRule

  • We lost four men on the last expedition rule...
  • Ah yes of course, because a non polluted environment is a privilege only the rich should have access to

  • fish - a ruleview
  • Such fish slander shall not be tolerated. I request a public apology immediately!

  • Detail of Pan by Gustave Moreau
  • Yes! More Moreau, please!