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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 23
Comments 25
Woman Becomes A Man, Realizes Life Is Hard. Says We Should Be More Like Women | Aba & Preach
  • The video above features Aba and Preach as they review a tiktok by a trans man on his experience in being treated as constant possible threat due to now being perceived as a threat. There's some jokes here and there but some decent discussion of the differences in how men and women are perceived in everyday life.

  • Why Isn't there a Birth Control Pill for Men? | Healthcare Triage
  • The video above dives into some of the challenges in developing and administering experimental drugs that can be used as birth control options for men as the main ones available to men are condoms and vasectomies which isn't a lot. From the video summary on youtube:

    "Condoms and vasectomies remain pretty much the extent of birth control options for people who produce sperm, and both have problems. So why is almost all hormonal birth control aimed at those with ovaries? There have been some successes targeting the biological feedback process for hormones that regulate new sperm production, but progress is slow."

  • How NYC Became a Rat Kingdom 🐀 | PBS Terra
  • Summary from the video description:

    "When it comes to NYC, the rat is the undisputed king of the urban jungle — and we made it that way! Find out why with host and evolutionary biologist Shane Campbell-Staton in this episode of Human Footprint.

    Human Footprint is a show that delves into the impact of humans on the planet. Join Shane as he travels from farms to restaurants, from high-tech labs to street markets, and from forests to cities to uncover the consequences of our unique history. Are you ready to explore our past, present, and future as a species?"

  • NYC Underwater: The Day Nature Rewrote the Record Books
  • From the description of the video above:

    "September 29th, 2023, will be etched in New York City's history as the day the skies opened with an unparalleled ferocity. The deluge was so intense that JFK Airport recorded its highest 24-hour rainfall since 1948, with an astonishing 8 inches pouring down.

    Brooklyn faced nature's fury head-on, as three hours of ceaseless rain equaled an entire month's average downpour. Witness water roaring into basements, stranded vehicles, and impassable roads that brought the Big Apple to a standstill.

    This video dives deep into the heart of the devastation, spotlighting the worst affected regions like Brooklyn and Long Island. From shattered rainfall records to streets that became rivers, experience the magnitude of NYC's epic flood crisis."

  • Books SentientRock209

    What's your favorite tool to track your reading habits?

    It used to be a todo list set up where I just check off and add whatever books caught my interest but it wasn't very shareable so I moved onto storygraph which I liked more than goodreads as the data visualization and breakdown of books via tags and moods gives me a better idea of where I tend to lean in books I seek out and which genres I rarely touch at all.

    How NYC Turns Food & Yard Waste Into ‘Big Apple Compost’ | CityLimits
  • City Limits takes a multimedia look at how food waste is repurposed at the Department of Sanitation's 33-acre composting facility in the Fresh Kills section of Staten Island. The site is part of New York City's effort to operate "the nation's largest composting program" and limit the climate impact of its waste sector, which accounts for 4 percent of citywide emissions.

  • How NYC Turns Food & Yard Waste Into ‘Big Apple Compost’ | CityLimits SEE IT: How NYC Turns Food & Yard Waste Into 'Big Apple Compost'

    City Limits takes a multimedia look at how food waste is repurposed at the Department of Sanitation's 33-acre composting facility in the Fresh Kills section of Staten Island. The site is part of New York City's effort to operate "the nation's largest composting program" and limit the climate impact ...

    SEE IT: How NYC Turns Food & Yard Waste Into 'Big Apple Compost'

    The Secret Weapon Hackers Can Use to Dox Nearly Anyone in America for $15 | 404Media The Secret Weapon Hackers Can Use to Dox Nearly Anyone in America for $15

    Most Americans have very little choice but to provide their personal information to credit bureaus. Hackers have found a way into that data supply chain, and are advertising access in group chats used by violent criminals who rob, assault, and shoot targets.

    The Secret Weapon Hackers Can Use to Dox Nearly Anyone in America for $15
    Interviewing Incel Expert William Costello | NotSoErudite
  • The video above is an interview with a researcher named William Costello who's part of a wider team of researchers taking an empirical approach to understanding incels and the problems they face. Whereas the usual pop-sci understanding of incels starts and stops with the misogyny in their communities. The empirical focus gives us better results as it reveals the mental status and situations incels themselves are dealing with and why modern upbringings are failing them.

    You can find their research here and I highly recommend giving it it a look:

  • Rome’s libraries were shrines to knowledge – and imperial power | Aeon Essays

    Passersby could wander at will into grand public libraries in imperial Rome. Could they trust what they found inside?

    Rome’s libraries were shrines to knowledge – and imperial power | Aeon Essays
    Two Strikes (full documentary) | PBS FRONTLINE
  • The video above is a documentary highlighting the story of a man whose untreated mental health problem and a punitive justice system resulted in him getting life with no parole in prison after getting rejected and turned down from programs that would have helped him recover.

  • Literacy is a beautiful thing, Don't Waste It | Better than food book reviews
  • I edited the name of the post to better reflect the content of the video as the original video title is just "Don't waste it", the host talks about the stats relating to how many people in the modern world in first world countries are still counted as illiterate and how those stats made him reflect on how lucky he was in being encouraged to read and still does to this day. I like this video as a decent summation of what makes reading wonderful in and of itself.

  • Books SentientRock209

    Literacy is a beautiful thing, Don't Waste It | Better than food book reviews

    The Feared Pirate Lord: Sam Bellamy | History Dose
  • This summary is from the youtube channel that made it: History Dose.

    "The young sailor Sam Bellamy sails to the West Indies to seek Spanish gold and discovers a sea infested with thieves. Turning pirate himself, Bellamy navigates a back-stabbing and libertine underworld host to the pirates of Nassau, including Henry Jennings, Benjamin Hornigold and Blackbeard.

    The art is original and manually made by Joseph Feely. "

  • Music SentientRock209

    Mil Horas | Los Abuelos de Nada

    Launching Kbin Migration website, with resources and guides to help new users migrate to Kbin and the Fediverse from Reddit.
  • Small criticism, I think your first article on "The redditor's guide to how Kbin works" is the one packed with the most useful information for any newbie migrating from reddit or any social media so it deserves a sticky or some kind of mechanism to make it the first thing that pops up imho. Otherwise, awesome work. I thought the Artemis app was still in exclusive beta so it's good to hear it's available on the app store now.

  • A discussion on paying for open source software | Louis Rossmann and FUTO
  • The video above is a discussion between Louis Rossmann, a philanthropist and a programmer who use and advocate for the usage of open source software. The connection between all three of them is that the philanthropist heads an organization called FUTO that gives grants to people developing useful open source projects and Louis Rossmann (I believe) is an employee of that organization and the programmer Aiden is a recipient of that grant. The conversation goes over the complication in trying to monetize and fund open source software that's typically expected to be free all around.

    For those curious about the FUTO organization, you can find some of their links below.

    FUTO -
    Twitter -
    FUTO Youtube channel -

  • [meta] Congratz on 400 subscribers!
  • Yes, I'd argue we should make one similar to the wiki on leftwingmaleadvocates so that should we get the same old commenters saying "we don't understand real feminism" or "why don't you like menslib?", we can just link them the kbin version of the faq and move on with our lives.

  • What can be done to rebalance society's views on masculinity? What does healthy masculinity even look like?
  • I think this is one thing that menslib kind of got right a few times, they'd highlight a particular male character or male focused story like Avatar the last airbender, Yakuza, etc. and would use that as a jumping off point to dive into what about that character speaks to men on a deeper level and what behaviors/lessons can be learned by analyzing said character and this extends to real life people as well like David Goggins or Jocko Willink. Where menslib went wrong was to constantly only bring up safe male characters like Uncle Iroh or Steven Universe rather than the more common male characters dudes look up to like Master Chief, Goku, Garou from One punch man, etc.

    Also I think voting with your wallet counts a lot here, it's no secret a lot of mainstream media still leans into the women's empowerment space with series and movies like Captain Marvel, She-hulk, She-ra, etc. For our part, we should highlight and spread the word on upcoming media where guys aren't treated like accessories or bumbling idiots like in the simpsons.

    As for how to expand our own local conversations into what masculinity should and shouldn't be? I think that'd require us to incorporate more voices and hear out more experiences from all kinds of men on how they chose to live their lives as men. I want to hear from the soldiers who still believe in the institutions they serve and the ones who wanna see it burned down, and from the happy family man who loves being a father and the 40 year old dude who never got laid but still had to figure out how to live a meaningful life. I think all these answers will at least give us a broader perspective to build that new masculinity on top of rather than defaulting to the feminist answer "lol just don't be toxic"

  • What is your best travel tip?
  • Download the offline version maps of wherever you plan to stay/travel to. You can do this via google maps or OSM maps, at the very least it's helped me keep peace of mind when out and about.

  • Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism. [WaPo, archived]
  • I think by default, since feminism prioritizes the issues and lived experiences of women via a theory that casts men as a gender as a class defined by their opression of women, yeah I'd say that primes feminists to develop a bias against individual men, regardless of what they say on paper about "systems." Not to mention the redefining of politics via feminism into "The personal is political," it's why they cast moral judgements on men who just don't like or care for the barbie movie, it's not just a difference in opinion but a radical moral failing on the part of the man in question.

    TL:DR Their theories on paper attack systems but their praxis attacks men as individuals because they cast men as individuals as ever present proxies for that "oppressive system" in their minds.

  • Please don't let this turn into an anti-feminist, misogynistic, right-wing, tribal community
  • I think in order to actually attain that egalatarianism from a male perspective it requires a strict pro male POV on our side in spaces like this because the default in a lot of mainstream conversations about gender related issues and problems start from the framework of feminist theory invoking ideas like "male privilege, oppression" which prioritize the oppression and issues affecting women first and foremost and I don't think a framework that excuses phrases like "KillAllMen" should get a free pass in spaces like this.

    To be blunt, I don't care if incels, red pillers, feminists or right wingers wanna comment in this space so long as they abide by the rules of civility and attack ideas and act in good faith when our ideas go against theirs and challenge them.

  • Please don't let this turn into an anti-feminist, misogynistic, right-wing, tribal community
  • I think in order to actually attain that egalatarianism from a male perspective it requires a strict pro male POV on our side in spaces like this because the default in a lot of mainstream conversations about gender related issues and problems start from the framework of feminist theory invoking ideas like "male privilege, oppression" which prioritize the oppression and issues affecting women first and foremost and I don't think a framework that excuses phrases like "KillAllMen" should get a free pass in spaces like this.

    To be blunt, I don't care if incels, red pillers, feminists or right wingers wanna comment in this space so long as they abide by the rules of civility and attack ideas and act in good faith when our ideas go against theirs and challenge them.