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Scratch2003 Scratch2003
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What is the most important equipment for a garage gym / crossfit homegym?

I might have to switch to training in my garage in the near future. I already own some equipment, but I am interested in the other opinions what the most effective use of a small space is and what equipment is absolutely necessary, multiple use, effective and or just plain fun to own.

Here's the list of things I already own in order of importance to me:

  • barbell + weights
  • jump rope
  • airbike
  • sandbag
  • wall ball
  • adjustable kettlebell
  • dumbbells (hex 15kg, 22.5kg, but I'd upgrade to an adjustable one)
  • resistance bands
  • torque tank m1 (a quiet magnetic resistance sled, so you don't annoy neighbors)
  • box (for box jumps, squats, other accessory)

I also consider buying:

  • rower
  • drop pads
  • some type of squat rack with a pull up bar

What do you use most often or consider essential in any other way in a garage gym?

Welche Nachrichtenportale nutzt ihr für den täglichen Überblick?
  • tagesschau, taz, rivva, Linkempfehlungen via fediverse, einige RSS Feeds (z.B. Fefes Blog, rockpapershotgun, paar Produktblogs)

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    In Pleroma nutze ich so eine Möglichkeit, um z.B. Meta-Posts über Twitter oder die nervigen Twitter Screenshots rauszufiltern.

    What do you all use for password management?
  • Check out vaultwarden. Works like a charm and updates are pretty easy on the docker version.

  • [Question] Does anyone run their own email server?
  • I do host my own mailserver for multiple years now without any issues.

    I'm using on a rented server, not at home. I recently added DKIM and I check my setup via and the like in irregular intervals to see if I can improve something.

    The only downside I see is spam filtering, which obviously works better with GMail if the whole world population does the filtering for you. But the included SpamAssassin setup does work and catches most of the spam. I do check for false positives/negatives very regularly and have training folders set up so I can easily move messages into the SA training.

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    > With a heavy heart, i’d like to share that I won’t be competing at Semifinals this weekend. > > Sometimes, we face personal challenges that demand our attention and care. It's important to prioritize our well-being and embrace the support of loved ones. > >While I won't be competing, I'm grateful for the u nderstanding and encouragement from my coach @mathewfras & my @hwpotraining team, friends, family, and fans. Their unconditional support means the world to me. > > Remember, life isn't just about winning trophies or achieving goals—it's about finding balance, taking care of ourselves, and cherishing the moments that truly matter. > > I'll be taking this time to focus on what's important to me, and I appreciate your understanding during this period. I wish the best of luck to my teammates & competitors 🤍
