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Scoopta Scoopta
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SSH as a sudo replacement
  • If you're using systemd they just recently introduced run0 which works very similarly to what's talked about here

  • Basically the extent of my IPv6 knowledge
  • Should probably fix that given we've been out of IPv4 for over a decade now and v6 is only becoming more widely deployed

  • Not really sure whether S-expressions or Python indentation-based scoping get more hate...
  • This sums up how I feel nicely. No issues with parens...but whitespace...fuck that shit

  • New developer
  • Always has? It's supported java and I think python for forever

  • switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
  • Huh, tbh I've never given KDE a real try. I used it way back in the day on OpenSUSE because I wanted a windows experience but that was when I was still playing around with Linux. I've never used it full time. My first full time DE was cinnamon and eventually I decided I wanted something radically different and so went to gnome 3 and never really considered KDE as radically different from anything I had used before.

  • switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
  • LOL, yeah, honestly with how hard I got ratioed it's like I offended someone XD. I just found it an odd choice to complain about windows aesthetics and then be like "here's my fancier windows" but to each their own. Anyway, glad you like the project and find it useful.

  • switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
  • That's fair, also I'm not saying KDE doesn't have a use case, for example people who are tired of windows for one reason or another but like the windows UI. Cinnamon has a similar use case which is one of many reasons I think mint is a great starter distro. I just found it odd that somebody who didn't like the windows UI went to that desktop over the other less Windows like desktops. Comment got ratioed so hard people seem to think I'm hating on the guy or his rice but I just find it odd to not like the windows UI and then go to one of the most Windows like desktops.

  • switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
  • 🤔 I'm actually surprised it's THIS customizable. We're talking functionally right? Not just style. Idk I guess I'm not a huge fan of the "start menu/task bar" and having a desktop, maybe I'm the weird one though. I ran vanilla gnome and then sway so desktops and taskbars and all of that aren't really my thing.

  • switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
  • Yes I do lol, not very often I get recognized in the wild. Hello.

  • switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
  • The windows UI being boring doesn't necessarily have to be caused by a lack of customizability. The windows UI is just a boring UI design even if you make it more customizable. Makes it better, but doesn't fix the problem IMO.

  • switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
  • 🤔 hating the windows UI and then going to KDE which is basically a more customizable windows UI seems...odd

  • Google ipv6 statistics page have started updating again.
  • 🤔, did it stop updating at some point?

  • No matter how smart you're, end user is smarter than you
  • Tom Scott actually has a video about this which also talks about why you can't end sentences with contractions.

  • NSFW
    Guy Creampies Two Girls
  • Funny, I actually recently went trying to find this exact video trying all sorts of different searches. Ik one of the girls names but that doesn't make finding it easier

  • Daylight saving creator left the chat....
  • 🤔 that's a fair point...

  • True Story
  • It's actually not. Objective-C is a superset of C. C++ is not. It's MOSTLY compatible...but it's not a superset. See the restrict keyword, or the need for casting to and from void*, or the inability to name variables new or delete, or class, or this. I can't count how many C projects I have which use this as a variable name that WILL NOT compile as C++...or the need for extern C to call C ABI no way is it a superset

    EDIT: lol, you can downvote me if you want but I think you need to lookup what a superset is

  • Daylight saving creator left the chat....
  • There was actually a really interesting idea I heard to have no time zones. And I actually think it could be a good idea. It'll never happen because people would need to re-learn time but if it was always the same time everywhere it would make scheduling and business so much easier. No one would need to convert between different zones or be late because of an incorrect conversion. The downside is that times which are conventionally morning or evening etc, would no longer would be so people would have to get used to time just being a construct for scheduling and not a representation of the natural day/night cycle...but it actually doesn't sound like a half bad idea.

  • Daylight saving creator left the chat....
  • From a development perspective it certainly sounds easier to have one global timezone with DST than a bunch of smaller ones without it. Would that make sense in reality? Probably not but I definitely think timezones take more work to compensate for properly.

  • Gamedev is Easy
  • Where's the .EnableUltraUltraWideSupport(). Gotta have my 48:9 aspect ratio

  • Gamedev is Easy
  • Where's the .EnableUltraUltraWideSupport(). Gotta have my 48:9 aspect ratio

  • Anyone know of other assigned /16s

    TIL that apparently capital one was assigned the entire 2630::/16 block...which is the largest assignment I've seen to date. Does anyone know of other absolutely massive allocations...are there even any others this large?


    Search engine recommendations

    I've been using duckduckgo for years ever since I degoogled but I'm increasingly annoyed by its complete lack of IPv6 connectivity. I use NAT64 and so it works fine but it bothers me to use services that don't have v6. Does someone have a good non-google IPv6 search engine that's privacy respecting?


    IPv6 subnetting thought experiment

    I'm curious about something so I'm going to throw this thought experiment out here. For some background I run a pure IPv6 network and dove into v6 ignoring any v4 baggage so this is more of a devils advocate question than anything I genuinely believe.

    Onto the question, why should I run a /64 subnet and waste all those addresses as opposed to running a /96 or even a /112?

    1. It breaks SLAAC and Android

    let's assume I don't care for whatever reason and I'm content with DHCP, maybe android actually supports DHCP in this alternate universe

    1. It breaks RFC3306 aka Unicast-prefix-based multicast groups

    No applications I care about are impacted by this breakage

    1. It violates the purity of the spec

    I don't care

    What advantages does running a /64 provide over smaller subnets? Especially subnets like a /96 where address count still far exceeds usage so filling subnets remains impossible.

    Unixporn Scoopta

    [Sway] Akame red

    This has been my setup for a long time now and I have to say I still absolutely love it.

    • Icons: Flat Remix Red Dark
    • Theme: Flat Remix GTK Red Darkest
    • Launcher: Wofi