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Sbhinclusion Sbhinclusion

Farmer, Para Ice Hockey Coach, Teacher

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Comments 3
‘People are confused’: Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights
  • @grte #Saskatchewan has been subject to essentially a state radio program for years that is the singular voice telling the population what to believe. They go unchecked and the population has been largely indoctrinated because they feel no need to question or challenge the blatant disinformation platform. Without strong journalism and fact checking, #Saskatchewan will continue to be fleeced.

  • Biden’s latest campaign video is a Marjorie Taylor Greene speech
  • @Saneless @RandallFlagg The Conservatives in #Canada do the same repetitive attacks on #Trudeau and are having some success- many cite a hate for Trudeau but when asked why they have literally no reason- unfortunate so many want to be told what to think rather then vetting information- critical thinking needs to be a value not a nuisance.