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RushLana RushLana

Hi, I'm lana a non-binary person cursed with being french. I like to produce garbage code, cooking and gardening. My body is holding together with tape and denial and I'm all out of tape.

Posts 1
Comments 4
First post on lemmy - Rule
  • That's usually my goal when making those kind of edits, I tend to spend extra time making it look like it's done badly ( for example I could have cleanly croped the engineer logo or get a clean PNG but no I searched for a jpg and badly cropped it with gimp using a objectively wrong threshold )

  • Boycotting FOSS projects in the wake of the "buy canadian/european" movement makes no sense
  • Honestly this should be a wake call to the FOSS community that we are way too reliant on the US.

    Every default we have is US centric and if FOSS is really meant for everyone we should move away from that.

  • First post on lemmy - Rule
  • There is a spy around here !

  • First post on lemmy - Rule
  • Thank you ! I see a lot of cool things !

  • First post on lemmy - Rule

    First post on lemmy ! Do you have any good communities you recommend ?
