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Runel0rd Runel0rd

I enjoy artwork, music, riding my bike, and being outdoors.

Posts 4
Comments 6
Hasbro Wants Old Transformers Games To Return, But Activision Lost Them
  • War for Cybertron
    Fall of Cybertron

    Some of the best Transformers media that exists. They are an absolute blast to play through with a fantastic story.

  • What Phone & OS should I get next?
  • OnePlus, make the switch to OxygenOS.

  • Tip: Easier toggling of Wi-Fi/cellular data on Android 12
  • Imagine buying a Google or Samsung phone, literaly the pinnacles of bloatware, lack of privacy, and features being taken away.

    I have been using OnePlus for years and can only say good thing about them.

  • How do I prevent hackers from stealing my debit card information?
  • Are you trying to fix the issue or have this repeat? Start listening to the genuine advice being offered

  • Less work, more play! (⁀ᗢ⁀) [Kunstwaffle] [M]
  • Please mark as NSFW Jesus Christ

  • YSK: Googling for terms on all lemmy domains
  • If I'm searching for something I will always use "quotes" to make sure I get a direct search for that term. Anything else is a waste of time

  • Art Runel0rd

    The Face by me


    Night Elf Warrior by me

    Art Runel0rd

    Night Elf Warrior by me


    Hobbit Meals to cook and prepare if you're trying to live and eat like a Hobbit!

    I have to say some these dishes look absolutely incredible and I think next time my girlfriend and I watch the movies we will try to make a few of these meals to accompany the movie.
