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RedTed RedTed
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Comments 13
YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Good points, I didn't consider all of that either.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • I don't see why anyone should care about votes, but if IP addresses were shared it would be concerning.

  • so Trump is saying ban communists socialist from entering and we need to do something about the ones already here
  • Communist party members have been barred from immigrating to the US since 1952. It's the same McCarthyism it never went away.

  • China pumps out half of world’s energy storage research as US share declines
  • The researchers found that China had greater access to the materials and means of production than the US

    xi boss

  • Supreme Court kills Biden student loan relief plan
  • Agreed just saying this was the compromise, the least they could do and they can't even do it.

  • Supreme Court kills Biden student loan relief plan
  • Small business tyrants have been looting the treasury for the last three years. You would not believe the amount of free money given to some of these ghouls. $48k is nothing compared to what I've seen.

  • Supreme Court kills Biden student loan relief plan
  • This is bad of course but must remember that this debt forgiveness was a dumb half assed plan from the start. Systematic change is the only thing that will help the working class.

  • Fuck Fireworks: An essay about why I believe they have no place in a 21st century celebration.
  • Yeah its normally contract work and the pay would be less than minimum wage. The work is pretty brutal.

  • Fuck Fireworks: An essay about why I believe they have no place in a 21st century celebration.
  • The industry is pretty exploitative as well. It's rough work setting up large fireworks displays.

  • Reddit users having a meltdown over discovering the creators of are comrades
  • That FAQ looks pretty great. You can tell they didn't read it because they don't have more hysterical accusations.

  • Which parts of MLism do you find lacking or outdated in the 21st century?
  • I agree, I do think it is outdated there but I think it goes further than that and that it is a wedge to specifically dismantle class conflict. The idea that office workers are not proletariat is heavily ingrained and I believe a lot of this is on purpose to prevent any solidarity between manual labor and office workers.

  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - Plan and build your own glorious communist state.
  • It's great. You're in charge of a command economy and you're building a workers paradise. To me it's like a combo of simcity and transport tycoon. You can tell the game was made by libs but it's not really anti communist.

  • What's the most deranged political hot take you've ever seen?
  • This was the default frat guy view in 2003 in America.