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RedSquid RedSquid
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Comments 86
Yet another L from Sabine Hossenfelder
  • Shitty "scientist" with a failed career turned into a youtube grifter. It's no surprise her main selling points are bigotry against trans people and those on the autism spectrum, and this... braindead drivel.

  • Someon's been playing too much Red Alert...
  • Ok first of all an octopus and a squid are in different orders, (octopus all being in octopoda and squid being actually 2 separate orders now (huh TIL) called oegopsida and myopsida) - this is like calling a human a cat (humans are order primates, cats are order carnivora).

    That's before we even get onto the 14 "legs". Legs! Seriously Express, could your staff not even look on wikipedia for five minutes? The limbs of cephalopods are called 'arms', with the 2 specialized limbs with club ends that squid have being tentacles, none of them have 'legs' of any kind, and squid by definition have 10 limbs (yes I know, the vampire squid from hell only has 8 arms, no tentacles but... well they aren't really squid so they don't count).

    Such shoddy, shoddy journalism. What's that? Mind control rays? Perfectly reasonable. Putin told me himself on the joint Wumao-Russiabot conference call last week.

  • Decolonized France
  • Why did Brittany lose about half of Brittany? Also no independence for the Basques or Catalans?

  • Lol, this man is "Chair of European Commitee for NATO"
  • I mean, I'd prefer to give it back to the natives and let them sort out borders tbh, My peoples have a rather shameful history of deciding other people's borders I don't want to indulge in :)

  • Lol, this man is "Chair of European Commitee for NATO"
  • He's not in NATO, afaict, he runs a NATO fanclub in Austria.

  • Lol, this man is "Chair of European Commitee for NATO"
  • Most of them are just current internal administrative borders, like if we carved the US up along state or county lines. It's even lazier than you think.

  • Least favorite music genre?
  • I'm something of a breakcore fan myself, I can't say there aren't individualists amongst the fans or artists, of course, but it's like more genres in that regard. (Also depends on what you mean by breakcore I think cause there's quite the dispute between oldschool breakcore fans - stuff like Venetian Snares, Alec Empire's "The Destroyer", etc. - and new music being labelled 'breakcore' but which is mostly kinda shitty drum'n'bass with creepy anime cover art).

  • Least favorite music genre?
  • Christian Contemporary - in whatever flavour. I don't have much fondness for the church as it is and they manage to make something that's even worse than Christian Rock which, to quote Comrade Hill: "You're not making Christianity better you're just making rock and roll worse."

    Oh... maybe Martial Industrial or Neo-folk. Both of which are fucking teeming with fascists, or "apoliteic" bands. Pretty much everyone you look at in either genre is gonna be quoting Ernst JĆ¼nger and Julius Evola, amongst other more obscure fascist or fascist-adjacent ideologues. They have this romantic notion of 'Europa', free from the decadence of liberal democracy and multiculturalism - they're unironic 'RETVRN' types.

  • Least favorite music genre?
  • Only 2? There's at least hardcore techno and hardcore punk too, and all the "-core" genres that spawn from them

  • Does anyone have context over the political situation of south africa?
  • afaik EFF are some flavour of socialist? And I don't think thye mean the song to be taken literally, but frankly, why the fuck is so much of South Africa's farmland owned by a tiny number of Hwite settler-colonists?

    I just really wish I could find a good vid of Kill the Boer to add to my "upset the liberals" playlist. No matter where I look I just get settler-colonists seething about it.

  • OuĆÆghour
  • You mean a diareses? It's on most any phone keyboard now, and as said, this person is probably Fr*nch.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Dentists are the vanguard of the revolution. Communism is nothing less than immaculate dental hygeine for all.

  • People like to shit on the imperial measurements for its inconsistensies, but why is it we have a similarly dogshit one for measuring time?
  • There were also superstitions about February - due to its role as a time for ritual purification and cleansing, that made them reticent to add days to it, so it stayed at the bare 28

  • Just some statistics
  • Hmm, anyone remember what the title of the first Metallica album was? I feel like it's relevant to these gentlemen.

  • how classy of him
  • Not a single word of truth was uttered.

  • What do you tell your ā€œleft-leaningā€ neoliberal friends when they guilt-trip you into voting for their candidates
  • Voting blue is voting fascist. And what should we call people who vote for fascists hmm?

  • Ukraine is using cluster bombs against civilians in DPR (tw for blood)
  • Thank you for continuing with these reports, and like GrainEater says - stay safe comrade āœŠ

  • Yuval Noah Harariā€™s stupid definition of a religion
  • Well this is the dumbest thing I've read in the last few minutes. The forces behind religious occurrences are not merely 'superhuman' in that they exist without us, they are supernatural - i.e. they exist outside of nature, they violate natural laws. The most you can say about communism is that it posits natural laws, and not everything in it is such a law.

  • Zelensky showing ā€˜authoritarian traitsā€™, says Swiss intelligence report
  • Libs: "Who could have foreseen this!?"

    All of us who foresaw it: lenin facepalm

  • Ladies and Gentleman, We Got Her
  • The IRA were based, I wish they'd killed more royals, more tories and more fascist enforcers of colonialism. I'm a Brit btw, we have no right to be occupying part of Ireland still, not to mention the financial control we continue to exert over the supposedly independent republic of Ireland.