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RealThunderhop RealThunderhop

Idk how to use this, but I'm out here trying to make the world better. If I can help you I will.

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Comments 47
Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • You are not the left. Get that straight.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • So you'll be removing all the comments calling me stupid or a Russian, correct? Since those are meant to be derogatory. Probably not 😬

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • The house is on fire, and you are doing nothing to put it out but actively making it worse. That's actually what is happening. Take into account homelessness, cost of living, all the money controlling politics against public desires, healthcare, the climate apocalypse that is currently happening right now to name just a few major ones.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • If you think I'm a Republican then you have to be dense. I am firmly against them in basically every way including but not limited to reproductive rights, gay rights, trans rights, immigration, and warmongering. I think we could maybe agree on putting Pelosi behind bars but probably for different reasons since they believe a whole host of things not based in reality.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Ok cult member. I am also not promoting republican viewpoints. You haven't seen that and you won't.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Stop being morally bankrupt. It's not that hard.

    📣 You can do it.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Well considering leftists are the ones usually doing all the protesting and organizing to protect such things I don't really think you have anything to say to me. Don't patronize me when you do nothing tangible and vote for people who will take your rights away just the same if their donors want that. Maybe try supporting people who actually have platforms and policy, who have a record of supporting the things they say they do, and organizing with people who have character idk 😒

    Side note: I find it hilarious when people say Democrats support democracy or women's rights

    They have continually worked to disenfranchise third party voters and done nothing to protect women's rights. That is contrary to support of those things. 🤔

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • So you don't know. Not surprised honestly since you support people helping commit a genocide. Or is that not happening? Let's hear the bullshit you have to twist to lie about that too.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Not trolling, just sick of lying liberals who can't admit the people they support are monsters same as conservatives.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • I already did. Not my fault you didn't bother to read.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Yeah and clearly the people here do not understand words. Even if they are small and further explained.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Russia propaganda... Tf are you on about. Democrats have 100% supported and enabled a genocide. That's facts. You little Nazi lovers need to come to terms with your broken brains.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • You think I'm a Republican. That's how far removed from reality you people are. And you did as usual nothing to refute anything I typed. A+ job I don't refute anything you typed by the way.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Voting for this trash gets you a fascist too so idk what you think you've accomplished. And Democrats will have support of a genocide on their records as well. Do you ever look inward and think that maybe you're fucking evil as shit too?

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • I have no problem with the colors lol. Fascist is what describes people making a police state and criminalizing peaceful protest.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Kamala Harris is team blue fascist while Trump is team red fascist. If you were paying attention you would probably know. I don't expect conservatives or liberals to pay attention though.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • Police state, making free speech criminal, private interests over public ones

    To start

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • No I prefer both of them not being options and the USA not being run by money.

  • Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week
  • If you like blue fascists then yeah. Otherwise no

  • Corporations are a protected class of people

    Apparently I was harassing them lol.


