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ReCursing ReCursing
Posts 21
Comments 607
Frustrated with the current political environment, come join us in the Lemon Party
  • The music video. Though it was about the time that Meatspin was being shared around

  • Frustrated with the current political environment, come join us in the Lemon Party
  • When I did GCSE media studies, this video was used an example of how not to make a music video

  • Miracle cures
  • Turmeric is great... in a curry

  • Space Thing (1968)
  • "Space Thing" - did they just run out of ideas for titles?

  • Imperial ripeness chart
  • A friend likes to complain that the Holy Roman Empire Of The Germanic Peoples wasn't holy, wasn't Roman, wasn't an empire, and wasn't really German, he admits there might have been some people involved

  • Biden, Trump Die 2 Minutes Apart Holding Hands
  • Same. The headline amused me, the final line actually made me laugh out loud

  • Normalize it!
  • If your reasons for hating an ai genned image are anything other than it not being very good, you are wrong

  • Sometimes I'll just watch myself not do what I need to do...
  • Okay just call me out personally next time!

  • Dungeons & Dragons will release its 2024 ruleset under a Creative Commons licence
  • Yes I know. 5e is the blandest rpg system going

  • Dungeons & Dragons will release its 2024 ruleset under a Creative Commons licence
  • Now if only there were any chance it would be a good rules set and not the blandest thing on the menu

  • Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents
  • Really not the point I am making, my dude. My point is that we must assume that all police are bastards for OUR OWN protection, not that they routinely murder people

  • Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents
  • There is not nearly enough accountability in the UK. Reread the last sentence of my previous post for clarification

  • Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents
  • America is an outlier at the high end. Doesn't change the fact we must assume all cops are bastards. There may be a few good apples who ruin the barrel, but one bad one can absolutely ruin your life on a whim with no comeback on them, so we assume they're bastards to protect ourselves

  • Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents
  • I am also in the UK. The police are a bunch of bullies. The fact they are not routinely armed means they murder less people than in other countries but don't think for a second they are anything other than bastards

  • Is it "an RTS" or "a RTS" ?
  • Which is more comfortable to say? It's that one

  • Lefty Nemesis
  • Feels sadly true sometimes

  • No sex education in schools 'until children are nine' guidance to say
  • Well I'm sure that will help with... uh... Nope, got nothing

  • Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say
  • Section 28 bullshit all over again. It didn't help anything then, it won't help anything now, it will just hurt people. Fuck's sake, what is wrong with this shites?!

  • CasualUK ReCursing

    Reddit screenshot found on facebook


    How do people feel about image manipulation with AI? I'm not great with Krita (and even worse with photoshop) but am getting better with stable diffusion!

    How do people feel about image manipulation with AI? I'm not great with Krita (and even worse with photoshop) but am getting better with stable diffusion!



    Host is not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled

    I have installed i2pd from the Manjaro package, and everything seems to be working fine, I can access i2p sites without problem. However I can't access my local console and everything that entails because I get the the following error

    ``` Proxy error: Outproxy failure

    Host is not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled


    I have tried enabling the outproxy (or at least uncommenting all the lines that include the word outproxy in the default i2pd.conf, and setting outproxy.enabled = true), it makes no difference

    I'm using foxyproxy to enable and disable the proxy as needed. If it's disabled, or if I use firefox's internal proxy settings, I get s standard "firefox can't find this site" page, so it's clearly doing something!

    This is probably a really obvious mistake I'm making with a three second fix, but I have hit a wall and don't know what I'm doing!

    /kbin meta ReCursing

    If I go to "all magazines", then select "active" none of them are active!

    If I go to it shows the "hot" tab by default, and they're all pretty busy with lots of comments, threads, microblogs and subscribers. I go to /newest and yeah they're almost all empty, I'd expect that. But under /hot they're also almost all empty or nigh-on empty, which seems to be exact opposite of hot... unless it means they're radioactive and no-one wants to go there!

    Is this something I'm doing wrong, something the site currently has malformed, or something else?

    CasualUK ReCursing


    Lovely weather we've been having
