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Biden speech live: president says best way to save US democracy is ‘to pass torch to new generation’
  • Citation needed

    No but seriously if you have more info I would be legitimately interested in it. But for starters what you say would be blatantly illegal under campaign finance law. Even as shoddy as it currently is. I attempted but couldn't find anything like you describe.

    Also I saw half of one party not even show up for that appalling address. What party was that again?

  • Trump Camp Is Planning to ‘Willie Horton’ Kamala Harris
  • They can try, but an update to the law has since been passed to make totally clear the vice presidential role is purely ceremonial and that they have no power to challenge or alter the proceedings in any way.

    I expect like you say they'll still make a big public stink and file some frivolous suits about it though like it's a real issue when it's not to rile people up though. And totally ignoring the other times this has happened before, like Reagan to George HW Bush.

  • Drones are the new machine guns
  • Well in a nutshell, communication equipment is supposed to transmit electromagnetic waves to communicate with other equipment. What would "shielding" it mean? Its whole purpose is to send and receive. Preventing electromagnetic waves from getting to it would defeat the whole purpose of a communication device. If you only block most frequencies and leave some frequency open to communicate on, then the drones can use that frequency too. If you flood all frequencies with junk, than there's no way any communication equipment could work because the signal will be overwhelmed by noise.

    Anyone who knows more feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's the basic issue. Either everyone is blind or no one is.

    The electronic warfare being used are basically all types of jamming, flooding frequencies with random noise, not really electromagnetic pulses in the sense of using electric waves to induce charges in an object to disable it. Something like that would take an immense amount of power.

  • Open Convention or Harris 'Coronation'? Democrats Weigh Options After Biden Exit.
  • Just to elaborate more, it is an open convention because the delegates are unbound, they could vote for anyone now that Biden has withdrawn. To get on the ballot, anyone just needs to get the signatures of 300 delegates saying they support them. If the vast majority of delegates publicly endorse Harris before the convention though, it's essentially already over. As this would indicate she would easily win the first ballot (and no, before anyone asks, super delegates cannot vote on the first ballot).

  • This Is Exactly What the Trump Team Feared
  • I'd like to see it personally. But you're right, it might not happen, he's already whining that he won't do it unless the venue is changed from. ABC to Fox News. We'll see what happens though.

  • Kamala Harris, endorsed by Biden to replace him, is left of the president on health care
  • Yeah that's pretty much it, I agree with you.

    Harris's healthcare plans were less liberal in the economic sense of the word, as it'd involve more government control. But they were more progressive or socialist (like Medicare, social security, etc all of which are somewhat socialist as the name social security implies). Not quite as much as Sander's though, who was pushing a true single payer system. More than just a public option though. I am really interested how much she sticks with the current plans or stakes out her own policies. Somewhat encouraged that many dems from the progressive caucus quickly endorsed her.

  • Democrats Donate More Than $50 Million Online After Biden’s Exit
  • Up to $47 million now, and that's after only 8 hours after the announcement of Biden stepping down. And that's just act blue small dollar donors. Definitely plowing right through that $53 million 24 hour haul that other guy got when he became a convicted felon.

  • Kamala Harris, endorsed by Biden to replace him, is left of the president on health care
  • Look, the American press struggles with these abstract political concepts. The words like liberalism, socialism, etc have lost all meaning.

    But to some it up, her position in the 2019 primaries was somewhere in between Biden's and Sander's position. Basically a Medicare advantage for all (with straight public option included and available to all but private insurers not excluded just strictly regulated). I'm interested in what she comes out actually proposing now that she's most likely the candidate.

  • IMF says U.S. should raise taxes, wait until late 2024 to cut rates
  • Their proposals are in the article

    The IMF, which often requires fiscal prudence among its borrowing countries, recommended a series of options to lower deficits, including reducing some longstanding tax deductions and exemptions that it said were "poorly targeted." These include tax exemptions for the value of employer-provided healthcare plans and capital gains on the sale of a primary residence, and deductions for mortgage interest and state and local taxes - breaks that add up to about 1.4% of U.S. GDP per year.

    The U.S. should consider closing the "carried interest" provision under which investment partnership income can be taxed at lower capital gains income rather than normal income, the IMF said. It added that corporate tax rates should be raised and the corporate tax system shifted to a cash flow tax.

    The IMF also recommended raising federal excise taxes on gasoline and diesel, which have not been raised since 1993.

    On the expenditure side, the IMF recommended indexing Social Security benefits to the chained consumer price index and subjecting earnings greater than $250,000 a year to payroll taxes.

    So kind of a mix of good and bad. But raising corporate taxes was one thing. A lot more reasonable than I was expecting.

  • Tucker Carlson Hails Trump as ‘Bravest Man’ in RNC Speech After Telling Staffer, ‘I Hate Him Passionately’
  • Vice president doing it wouldn't be but once he kills the president, he is automatically president per the 25th amendment. Then he just pardons himself. Bam, criminally immune. And pardon power is in article 2, can't be questioned, automatically an official act with presumptive immunity.

    This supreme court ruling is so dumb.

    Using the 25th amendment to remove a living president would require cooperation of the cabinet and congress (if Trump contests the removal).

  • Grindr crashed during the Milwaukee Republican National Convention
  • No, a population heat map means it's darker over the cities. There's more reports in Chicago than say, middle of nowhere Montana because there are more people there to report. This map is reporting the locations people are when they report it is down. And the circles get bigger and darker the more reports from that area. So if it was down everywhere, you would see the biggest circles over the biggest cities, and smaller circles in smaller cities, just like in this map. You see NYC, Boston, Chicago, San Fran have the biggest ones, and then smaller cities like Minneapolis have smaller ones.

  • President Biden tested positive for COVID-19.
  • You don't need to be hospitalized to get all the antivirals. In fact, that's the whole thing paxlovid is supposed to prevent. Anyone with risk factors can take paxlovid, and it's very effective at preventing severe covid. It should be started as soon as possible, not waiting until someone's already hospitalized. Even in unvaccinated people, if taken early in the course, is 90% effective at preventing severe disease.

    Remdesivir is the one that's generally only for hospitalized patients, though even that can be used pre hospital too.

    Anyways point is, if you get covid, and have risk factors for severe covid, call your doctor or urgent care to get paxlovid to take if you can, especially if you're unvaccinated.

    And yeah between getting diagnosed quickly, getting paxlovid I'm sure, and being immunized, Biden will very likely be fine.

    Edit: yes he started paxlovid

  • Watchdog readies crackdown on predatory lending after Supreme Court win

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau plans to restart its aggressive crackdown against payday lenders and other companies that offer high-cost, short-term loans to poor borrowers, after a Supreme Court ruling this week resolved a challenge to the federal agency’s authority to act.

    The decision is expected to ease some of the persistent political and legal obstacles at the CFPB, where powerful financial firms had blocked regulations, jeopardized the bureau’s funding and used the uncertainty generated by their battle to ward off recent probes and punishments.


    What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign

    Trump’s response stunned several of the executives in the room overlooking the ocean: You all are wealthy enough, he said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.

    8 Wisconsin Ethics Commission alleges illegal scheme by Trump fundraising committee and Rep. Janel Brandtjen

    The commission referred allegations to prosecutors against the Trump PAC, Rep Janel Brandtjen and others.

    Wisconsin Ethics Commission alleges illegal scheme by Trump fundraising committee and Rep. Janel Brandtjen

    A state oversight panel is recommending Wisconsin prosecutors pursue a slate of felony charges against a fundraising committee for Donald Trump and a Republican state lawmaker in a scheme to evade campaign finance laws surrounding an effort to unseat one of the most powerful Republicans in Wisconsin, Trump foe Assembly Speaker Robin Vos.


    Darryl George: Texas judge rules school district can restrict the length of male students’ natural hair Darryl George: Texas judge rules school district can restrict the length of male students’ natural hair | CNN

    A Texas judge ruled Thursday that the state’s CROWN Act does not make it unlawful for school dress codes to limit a student’s hair length.

    Darryl George: Texas judge rules school district can restrict the length of male students’ natural hair | CNN

    Trump pardoned them. Now they’re helping him return to power.

    Never before had a president used his constitutional clemency powers to free or forgive so many people who could be useful to his future political efforts. A Washington Post review of Trump’s 238 clemency orders found that dozens of recipients, including Arpaio, have gone on to plug his 2024 candidacy through social media and national interviews, contribute money to his front-running bid for the Republican nomination or disseminate his false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

    Ghost archive link:


    U.S. stops helping Big Tech spot foreign meddling amid GOP legal threats

    The federal government is no longer warning Meta about foreign influence campaigns, a shift that comes amid a legal campaign against the Biden administration’s communication with tech platforms.

    Archive link:


    LGBTQ teens won a grant for their school. Adults sent the money back.

    Archive link:


    US Government Releases New National Climate Assesment With Atlas National Climate Assessment Interactive Atlas

    The Interactive Atlas of the 5th National Climate Assessment of the United States provides maps, data, and stories from the 5th Assessment.

    National Climate Assessment Interactive Atlas

    This report is required by law every four years. The previous report was buried by the Trump administration. This time around Biden admin going to great lengths to publicize the report, including the creation of an Atlas allowing Americans to see how climate change is expected to affect their local area.


    How the Biden administration tried to slow Israel’s invasion of Gaza
