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RandomSovietKid RandomSovietKid
Posts 45
Comments 8
Juche Gang RandomSovietKid

I like the usage examples my dictionary gives...

Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid

Kim Jong Un



Painting from the year 1944. Can't read author's name (in bottom right corner) because it's too small.

History RandomSovietKid Tibet, China, and the violent reaction of a wealthy elite

Too many westerners supplant their fantasy instead of dealing with reality in Tibet

Tibet, China, and the violent reaction of a wealthy elite
Juche Gang RandomSovietKid

Echo of Truth is back with another channel

Her previous one was blocked by YouTube. If you're not familiar: she lives in Pyongyang and she posts videos about daily life in DPRK as well as special occasions. It's very interesting, and I encourage you to subscribe to her new channel.


"Forever together!"

Y'all probably have already seen it, but I'll still post this beautiful poster here. Quite sad to think about how the relations between China and USSR became some years later...


"U.S. imperialism, get out of Africa" (1966)

(Source, with some more)


Stalin in exile in Turukhansk. Painting by F.S. Goncharov, 1949

Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid

Stalin and Kirov

(Photo taken in year 1926 in Leningrad.)

Stalin RandomSovietKid

Stalin and Kirov

(Photo taken in year 1926 in Leningrad.)

Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid

Young Engels

Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid

Stalin, Lenin, and Kalinin

At the 8th congress of RKP(b), 1919.

Juche Gang RandomSovietKid

The DPRK is like having adblock in real life

Thread by Comrade Natalie with some lovely pictures

Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid


I had a dream today
  • This is my dream, too...

  • US imperialism

    Hodor vuvuzela all those poor Nazis! RandomSovietKid

    Meme, but I think it belongs here

    A classic.
  • "I was born after the dissolution of the USSR, and I spent most of my life in America. Let me explain to you how terrible life under communism was."

  • Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid

    These KPA soldiers


    Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid

    Che Guevara on his visit to the DPRK

    Juche Gang RandomSovietKid


    (Shameless self-promotion: I created that channel. But I won't update it regularly or often.)

    Sexy Communist RandomSovietKid

    President Kim Il Sung

    Once again, stolen from Comrade Natalie's Twitter account, and I encourage you to subscribe to her if you have a Twitter:

    Anarkiddie convention
  • Look how the girl is arranging the bricks. That's authoritarian! She's infringing on the bricks' freedom! She must be an anarcho-tankie secretly!


    The only place where I saw that term was an western anarchist take that's so bad, it's hilarious. Apparently, "anarcho-tankies" are anarchists who are actually concerned about getting things done and not unquestioningly accepting western propaganda. (Honestly, that's what to be expected of Raddle. I avoid that place, but someone posted a link on the dev instance, and I was too curious not to click... If you want to laugh and/or cry at it too, see:

  • Imagine living in a Communist society
  • Good point about our imagination being limited by living under capitalism. I honestly just never considered that... As far as I know, under socialism, people still have a specialized profession. But you're correct, communism may well be different. Having a more generalist lifestyle is an interesting thought... Could anyone here share any sources to read more about it?

  • Imagine living in a Communist society
  • Why does a communist society imply working both on the fields, as engineer and as administration for a few hours each day? (Not like I'd be too opposed to that, I just don't see why it would be like that under communism.

  • Our code.
  • Where's the picture of that rabbit from?

  • I copied over the Marxism-Leninism study guides from r/communism in case the subreddit gets banned, should be a useful resource for beginners
  • There's nothing wrong about starting with Das Kapital. But most who are just learning about Marxism-Leninism will consider it too difficult and too hard to understand probably — I read the first 4 chapters of Das Kapital so far (then I had to delay further reading because I no longer had the time or energy, I should continue somewhen), and I had to really study it like some people study math, i. e. write out all the important information in points, draw some scheme to visualize it, etc., so not exactly an easy book to start with. I started with Imperialism As The Highest Stage Of Capitalism, it was much easier and still addressed important aspects.

  • Can we cancel all of them please.
  • Sorry for being so clueless, but what is "cancel culture"?