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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 7
Comments 111
Do people dislike discovery because for the first time the protagonist is not a white man?
  • As someone mentioned, there is DS9 and even Voyager. For me, I couldn't even finish watching the first episode. It just didn't seem like Star Trek to me. It had more of a Star Trek movies (new ones) vibe, and I just couldn't stand it.

  • Dedicated GPU?
  • If you only do regular desktop stuff or just some light gaming, you will probably be fine with integrated GPU. But beware, your CPU does need to have one (not all ones do). Also, when you are using an integrated GPU you are dedicating part of your RAM for that GPU so in the end you will have less RAM available, usually it is something like 2 GB, but it is something to keep in mind.

    To be honest, I would probably avoid latest GPU stuff, most of them are not worth it in my opinion. Too expensive and too power hungry. But it depends on your options and what you want to play.

    Second hand is usually fine. Even if it was used for crypto, if it was properly cooled and taken care for (although that is usually hard to know for sure).

    You will have the easiest time with AMD GPUs, they are basically plug and play. The only reason for going with nvidia would be their proprietary stuff like DLSS and better ray tracing. Or if you do some work that could benefit from CUDA (machine learning, 3d modeling).

  • Prioritise RAM or processor?
  • Ir really depends on what you do. If you do normal web browsing/gaming etc. I would prioritize CPU, I would still but at least 16 GB, but with that you should be totally fine. If you do something unusual, programming, virtualization, self-hosting, etc. it depends on your workload.

  • Prioritise RAM or processor?
  • It depends on what is meant by slower CPU. If you can, I would go with current gen staff anyway, and then it doesn't matter. You can upgrade no matter which CPU you choose. The only factor is a number of channels your CPU have (which will almost always be 2), what generation of DDR it supports (current gen is DDR5 but if you go for older it will be cheaper DDR4) and how many DIMM slots your motherboard have.

    Also, AMD is almost always better value with lower power consumption, with some exception in some rare use cases.

  • Swap memory: SSD or HDD?
  • If you have a reasonable amount of RAM, you don't even need swap, but it depends on what you need. If you do need it, it should be on your fastest drive, but it doesn't need to be large, even something like 2 GB can be enough. You can share swap between OSes that shouldn't be an issue, you will just to manually configure it with each one.

    Also, as someone already said it might be a good idea, if you want to try multiple distros to share your home folder between OSes it should make things easier for you and save some space as well. Overall, 256 GB if you want to install multiple distros is pretty small, but it depends on what you install/what distro it is. Remember to partition your drive well, it is annoying to have to resize your disk partitions with data on it.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • And the whole “Russian/Chinese bots” things falls pretty flat when most of our conversations are amongst ourselves as well. Why would China/Russia pay/program all these bots just to simulate conversation in the hope that some random US liberal will stumble upon a 3 week old conversation, start an argument and then get an angry response? Seems like a poor use of their time.

    I mean, I've literally seen someone argue that Dessalines is being threatened with murder by CPC. I wouldn't put it past them.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • I agree, what I wanted to say with that is that if someone from other lemmy instances come here even with our reputation, there is a good chance that it is someone who is actually interested in what we have to say.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • Yes, in this case it did work. But I wanted to use it as an example of someone who was originally met with a more hostile response, even if it wasn't warranted. Personally, if I was in his place, I would just not want to engage with us anymore. I don't want to say with this post that we are terrible etc. but at least in my opinion people who actually come here from another instances and are not trolls are prime target for education. That is the reason I think we should try to be more kind to them.

    We get a huge volume of bad-faith interaction here. Especially when you sort by “new comments”.

    Interesting, I rarely see that, apart from obligatory "China bad", "Russia putler" etc. under some news articles. But maybe that is just due to the posts I read.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • I agree that is not a huge problem and yes it is mostly not so harmful. I was not trying to suggest with this post that we are super terrible etc. Mostly I just wanted to say that I think we could be a bit better. In my opinion, these people are the prime target for educating. Overall, from what I've seen Lemmygrad has a pretty bad reputation on most Lemmy instances so if someone ventures here and is not a troll, I think we should try to be kind to them.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • How are you making the distinction between trolls and good faith participation?

    Sometimes it is hard to tell, and I do understand that it is easy to make mistakes, but we should still try to assume that not everyone is here just to troll.

    Can you share an example from your post history where you’ve patiently educated an account seemingly engaging in bad faith?

    Personally, the only example I can give of my post is this, but I don't post here that much. But I think that a much better example of this is: Here, even if you disagree with the original statement, I would argue that someone was met with too hostile response and seems to have changed his mind after he was shown proof that he was wrong. I do agree that sometimes it is hard to not just make fun of people, especially with Uighurs and China in general, but we shouldn't automatically assume bad intentions.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • But why? I completely understand having fun with people who are here to troll/argue in bad faith. I also completely understand just not wanting to engage with those people. But why would you argue to not try to educate people who came here in good faith?

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • That would be interesting. Personally I mainly focus on local stuff and just sometime look on all but not sure which is more common, at least in web UI local is the default one. But even if it was all, Lemmygrad is a relatively small instance when compared with some others, so we would probably not be in many people's feed anyway.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances
  • Most of the time yes, but from time to time I see someone post something and the only comments they get are pretty hostile. Even if later it turns out they were just genuinely asking questions and even admitted to doing so. I think this just pushes some people away, that we could educate instead.

    Of course then there are troll etc. which are different story.

  • We should try to be less hostile to people from other instances

    I think we should try to be more careful, not to automatically assume that everyone who is asking questions here about China/Ukraine etc. is always arguing in bad faith. I've seen multiple people who were genuinely trying to ask something here and the only response they got was mockery.

    I do understand that a lot of times people who come here are trying to troll or just be annoying, but we still should try to engage in them in good faith as long as there is no reason not to do so. Not everyone who isn't from Lemmygrad is someone hostile to our ideology, and we should try to be kinder to them.

    Ask Comrades Prologue7642

    Likely I will be fired from job today, thinking what to do next

    Today, I just got news that our company is mandating that everyone installs spy software on their computers. As I am not going to install such software on my computer, it has been said to me that if we don't find some solution, I will get fired.

    To be honest, I was thinking about changing jobs anyway, so I don't mind that much, but I am not sure what to do now.

    I work in IT, so I have quite a lot of job opportunities, but most of them are something that is mostly harmful to society.

    So I am considering two options: Try to find some meaningful job in IT (which is likely to be very hard).

    Find some nice good paying job where I can work, ideally part-time, and focus on working on open source software in my free time.

    Not really sure what to do, does anyone have any experience with similar situation?


    Just wanted to see how readit even looks and this is one of the first posts I saw On lemmy Tankies and the miss treatment of Muslims - lemmyworld - - Discover what is buzzing on the fediverse.

    Everyone, there has been a lot of miss information about what is a tankie and the ability for the lemmy community to criticize the Chinese government....

    On lemmy Tankies and the miss treatment of Muslims - lemmyworld - - Discover what is buzzing on the fediverse.

    >The admins of and will not say this. Actually they cannot say this because they are probably employed by the Chinese Government and would be put to death if they did.


    Even Hexbear noticed libs on lemmy "Poor Lemmy" on Hexbear

    "If you go to it's just a bunch of fucking redditors with their dogshit memes and like three lemme users. It's sad. I strongly encourage users of this site who are so inclined to take a break from infighting to bully neoliberals over there."

    Lemmy Support Prologue7642

    How does community federation work

    I wanted to post a comment in indieheads community here on lemmy, but from lemmygrad it does not show up. I noticed that the community is quite recent, just two days old, is there some sync that I have to wait for? Or is the issue somewhere else?


    Switched from Gentoo to NixOS, interesting experience so far

    I have been using Gentoo exclusively for about two years and really enjoyed it. The customization and package manager is just top-notch. I have been curious about NixOS for some time, just randomly seeing it pop in some discussion, but never really looked into it. One day YouTube recommends this video about flakes for development instead of using Dockerfiles.

    It intrigued me because I am not really fan of Dockerfiles. In my experience, it is too easy for something to break and pretty hard to maintain them properly. Plus, it is really annoying to use them for development.

    So I started looking into Nix and then NixOS and created a new partition and installed it and so far it is a pretty interesting experience. The system is pretty customizable, and it is nice having the entire system described in configuration files. I could see myself using the same config for my laptop and desktop and just sync them. It is really nice and easy to have your entire system configuration in git repo, much easier than what I used with things like etckeeper.

    So far there are only few issues I encountered. Not every package is implemented properly, so some configuration is the same old story of using files in /etc or maybe just specifying a configuration file in your config. I've also read about some issues with Nix not using FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) for example Steam had some issues but so far I didn't encounter them. Also, the documentation is not what I am used to coming from Gentoo, but it is still usable.

    The last issue I have is not really an issue. It is pretty time-consuming to make your entire configuration, especially if you want to use flakes. I've been slowly adding more and more but so far only into default configuration.nix and would love to rewrite it completely into flakes, but it takes time.

    So far I didn't decide that I would be not going back to Gentoo, but it is fascinating experience. I am especially curious how will this impact my development workflow because it should be much easier to control dependencies per project. Especially with something like Python (always really hated using venvs).

    Anyone else trying NixOS or using it already?
