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Potatomache Potatomache
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Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • Agree heavily on the romance thing. Two of my current fandoms just got on the romance train and it was pretty disappointing. πŸ˜…

    It's even more frustrating when the producers are obviously using the existing IP for their fanbase and reputation.

  • Kbin's "Log in" bug is discouraging me from participating
  • I'm having the same issues too. I've even had the scenario of writing a long comment on a thread and getting error-ed away once I hit "Add comment". I don't know why it happened, but it certainly made me stop using kbin for the rest of the day. πŸ˜…

    It hasn't fully discouraged me though. I remind myself that it's early days so it's going to have a bunch of hiccups along the way.

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • I admit, I had to google some of the characters to refresh my memory of them (I think I've only seen 1 or 2 episodes of YGO πŸ˜… I bought some of the cards as a kid but that was because they were so shiny and pretty :D). It's a shame they felt they had to add more romantic subplot to make it more "interesting" --I always find it shallow when adaptations do that and it usually comes at the cost of character relationships.

    I suppose that's part of the struggle of anime adaptations. The business seems so finicky. It's tough for developers to figure out which arcs to include when they don't have the guarantee of another season. So they end up cutting filler content, but then some plot points don't make sense without it, and so they include filler--but now there's less episodes for plot. Then the characters suffer, because some arcs take a while to develop, but they still have to justify an animator drawing them in, so they get shoddy characterization instead. I imagine it's far easier to have characters return to status quo, like a sitcom. So they end up learning the same lessons all over again.

    Thanks for the write-up! It was interesting to read. Good luck on your project! :D

  • Screw the extreme violence, I'm here for Baldur's Gate 3 romance
  • Honestly, same. I don’t even know all the options yet, wanted to keep the suspense.

  • Please help me choose my next trilogy trilogy
  • Prince of Persia trilogy could work. It's more linear than assassin's creed so it could offer a change of pace.

  • I visit my one-shot OCs but I live in my longfic OCs
  • I think it makes sense. It's like acting, you embody the character as you write them and they become a familiar yet separate identity from your own.

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • Painful originals are such great sources for better fanworks though :D

    I remember when Mass Effect 3's ending came out and all the fan content it inspired due to spite and disappointment: a collective fandom developing their own band-aid solutions to a sub-par ending. It was great! XD

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • I would actually be interested in those paragraphs if you still have them :D It always fascinates me how much different certain stories are once translated and how sometimes you can't get a full sense of the story because of cultural nuances.

    I only watch foreign movies or anime with subtitles now, but growing up, I actually started with dubbed over anime in my native language, Filipino. I am absolutely certain a lot of nuance was lost in the effort of translation, but at the same time, I can't watch the anime I grew up with, subtitled XD

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • Is there a medium you don't really touch even if you're on a binge? Like for me, it would be books. Or are you an equal-opportunity fanfiction consumer?

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • Writing based on thirst ahahaha that's great! XD I think my first ever fanfiction was because I had such a crush on both Jaffar and Matthew from Fire Emblem 7 :D

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • Well, that's a shame. I assume the English version was the dubbed version and not the subtitled one? Usually, subtitles allow the original meaning to come across better because the translation isn't constrained by synchronization to the mouth flaps.

    If it's both, then that's pretty dang lame.

    I am kinda curious about those four paragraphs of yours XD but admittedly, I have a very shallow familiarity with Yu-Gi-Oh. πŸ˜…

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • I think you hit the nail on the head for me. πŸ€” My brain doesn't come up with fanfiction for books/manga because they feel "complete" and/or "free" in a way that imagination and - as you said - daydreaming, come naturally. So my urge to expand/explore the world and characters are satisfied.

    I think fan-editing is a lot more like solving a puzzle πŸ˜… maybe that's also how they approach it?

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • Wait, Yu-Gi-Oh's characters change depending on the language? Is it a big difference in characterization or more subtler shifts due to differences in language?

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • No shame in that. XD I myself, tend to have obsessive periods towards one or two characters πŸ˜…

    Any theories as to why TV & film get your brain fired up for fanfiction?

  • Is there anything actually useful or novel about "AI"?
  • I mean, AI can be used to design a lot of robust yet efficient structures. In engineering and architecture, with enough data, AI can generate designs for buildings, and parts that are not only sturdy but can be built with less resources along with other design considerations. There's a really cool nasa video where competitors are trying to 3D print structures for habitation in space.

    AI is also used in medicine to come up with new protein structures to create new medicine. It's also used in environmental sciences, to help predict earthquakes or monitor land use, etc.

    There's a lot of practical uses for AI.

  • Have got vs Have
  • If I remember correctly, "have got to" is more informal than "have to". So yeah, it's cleaner/more grammatical.

    I think most people use the "got" as a extra word to emphasize urgency in day to day conversation. So in that way, it's useful?

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?
  • Ohh, so does that mean you're not into Alternate Universes for Persona and Marvel fanfiction, but would consider it for HP and Naruto? Or do you still prefer the exploration of the world to be in canon for the latter two?

  • Is there a type of media you favor for fanfiction?

    I just realized that I seldom write/read fanfiction of books, and when I do, it's because they've been adapted to multi-media. Like, when I was into the LoTR and Hobbit fandoms, my baseline was the movies. When I got into Hannibal, it was because of the TV show. Harry Potter--the recent video game. Even my most recent story, set in the Song of Ice and Fire, is based on the series.

    The only time I've had the book-version in mind, was when I was looking for stories on Arya/Jaqen H'ghar.

    Everything else, I imagined the assets and events used in the shows/movies.

    It's the same with drawn media. Manga and comic books don't inspire the urge for fanfiction in me, but anime and movies do. I had no interest in reading Marvel fanfiction until the movies came out. I only got interested in fanfiction for Haikyuu, One Punch Man and Chainsaw Man when I saw the anime.

    The type of media I tend to write for is video games and the ones I read from are TV shows. I have no idea why, but I just thought it was interesting how certain media can make my brain latch onto the IP more creatively than others.

    How about you guys? Any media preferences as well or maybe you have other factors in play?

    What ways do you find different media?
  • For music I tend to use Spotify's similar artists feature or have the Youtube rabbit hole take me somewhere new. Sometimes I'll even find new music from other media; like if I'm reading a fanfic and the author posts the song they were listening to when they wrote it, sometimes I check those out.

    For books, it's usually word of mouth, and for a games, a mix of that as well as reviews from people and a perusal through Steam Sales. I'm not too big on movies though, I just let my loved ones drag me into what they want to watch and they tend to have good taste. For TV shows, I let spontaneous mood choose for me.

  • We need to be more active about commenting!
  • I think it's a matter of content type. We have a lot of links to interesting articles or pictures of memes with no additional input from the poster. Those make me less inclined to comment. I just tend to upvote/boost and move on.

    I think for more discussion/opinions, people need a spring board to jump off of.

  • Fanfic Summaries
  • There's a sweet spot for summaries to be vague enough to entice, but also clear enough that the reader can get a gist of the story. The only ones I tend to skip are those that don't bother at all.

    With my own summaries, I've recently started adding excerpts from the story, then an overall quick view. My format tends to go:

    Summary blurb


  • /kbin meta Potatomache

    Why "kbin"?

    Hi there! So I'm two weeks in to kbin and I think I have a layman's understanding of the fediverse, but I'm still not the most technical person, so I thought I'd just post my questions here.

    So I know "fediverse" stands for federated universe, so does "kbin" also stand for something? I tried checking the FAQ but the about page just tells me it's a link aggregator, and google links me to a Japanese manufacturing site or those birth name meaning/ancestry sites. (can anyone tell me if lemmy also stands for something or is this just a word the developers came up with?)

    Regarding defederation, does it affect previous posts? If there's a thread with comments by multiple people under different instances, does defederating break the chain?

    In fact who "owns" a thread? Like, in which instance is it stored? If someone posts on kbin, and people from lemmy and beehaw comment on it, does kbin "keep" all of those stored away or do they stay in their respective instances?

    And am I correct in thinking that instances who defederate essentially block off an instance, but that instance can still see their posts, but not interact? ie. Instance A defederates from B, so they can't see/interact with B, but B can still see A but not interact with them? Or is it a mutual blocking? Ergo they both can't see nor interact. I know beehaw defederated with lemmy recently, so...?

    The whole concept of defederating is just so interesting to me. I know I have to read more about it but those were mostly my main questions.


    Fanfiction for Dummies

    I thought it might be a little fun to discuss how we first got started with fanfiction. How were you guys introduced and what made you write your first story?

    I got introduced to the whole concept of fanfiction when I was ten, and my best friend at the time actually showed me her notebook, where she had written a Final Fantasy VIII fanfic. It blew my mind! I never thought that was a thing people did.

    I eventually learned about Fanfiction(dot)net, and I remember printing out pages and pages of fanfiction to read, because the internet wasn't as ubiquitous then. (I printed in colored ink and the smallest font, back to back, with 0.5" margins--a weird effort to conserve paper and black ink XD)

    As for my first story, well, I always had stories running in the back of my mind growing up, but I never bothered to write anything down. It would take a few more years before I finally gathered the courage to write up a story. I remember my first fic was a Fire Emblem 7 story.

    It had all the cringy tropes of a fanfic written by a teenager. It had a Mary Sue heroine. It was melodramatic as hell. I used 'orbs' for eyes and hair color for identifying epithets (I still do, YOLO XD). It had a 'disclaimer' in the very beginning and awkward author's notes. Best of all, it stayed incomplete.

    I love it. I still read it when I need a good laugh.

    So how about you guys?

    (Sidenote: this is my first time posting on kbin, so I don't know if I'm doing this right. Feel free to let me know how to post better?)
