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Poot Poot

A Reddit Refugee, I come from far away lands seeking freer frontiers.

Posts 6
Comments 5

I loved Shakespearean Shade Cats...


It's Good to Bring a Bard


Ah Good Sir...


This mouse has a tiny french horn...

  • Gorgeous loaves of bread! I just had breakfast but you're still making my mouth water!

  • What's everyone's favorite bread?
  • Just put slices of stuff in between sourdough slices. That way you can get nutrition, and copious amounts of sourdough as well!

    --- Not my idea, some earl or other came up with it a while back. :)

  • A community for bread bakers! Poot

    What's everyone's favorite bread?

    My favorite is Pumpernickel! A piece of toasted pumpernickel with butter and a touch of natural peanut butter is a thing of joy for me.

    What's yours?

    what videogame do you have the most hours in?
  • Elite, by far. Though that was long a ago. Elite isn't the game it used to be. :(

  • If you create a sub on Lemmy, are you responsible for its moderation? If so, how much of a pain is that, really?

    The title, really.

    On Reddit, I was one of the ubiquitous lurkers. I'd like to maybe participate a little more on Lemmy, now that I'm here. I might even like to start a community, but I'm concerned about what kind of a commitment I might be getting myself into. I really have quite enough BS in my life without inviting more.

    I'd be grateful for any advice, experience, or warnings folks might have. Thanks, and have a good one!

    Edit: Thanks everyone for your responses! Maybe I will try my hand at a community or two!

    My cute capsicum plant
  • Very nice!