I remember almost leaving my VMU on a bus and I ran so hard to go get it back. Fun memories.
I could not eat my popcorn or drink my icee with all the body horror going on in The Substance. I don’t think I would watch it again.
Have a nice hike or day in the city with my sibling and my pets.
They probably could have cut some things, though it held my attention for the most part. Some of the sex stuff was over the top but I laughed at how ridiculous it was, so still entertaining.
I saw Nosferatu. It was entertaining but it wouldn’t be my movie of the year.
Ex left me during the most stressful time in my grad school career and took a bunch of my stuff while I was recovering with family. They also almost stole my dog but I had to threaten a police report to get him back. Then my parents got sick and lost their jobs because of the sickness, so I basically had to take a year out of school to help do damage control. Only good thing is that I started dating again and met someone who I’d love to spend the rest of my life with but my school is on the opposite side of the country. I really don’t know I was supposed to get out of this year but I wanted to die so many times.