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Peacemeal12 Peacemeal12

Your fellow netizen.

I am busy with life, but if you can message me I'll try to respond.

I am a graphic and web designer, and a web developer. If you need help with anything you can also shoot me a message.

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Comments 43

Have you matured as you gotten older? Why or why not?

After having upsetting my friend after a less friendly and more sensitive conversation, I noticed that though I am particularly sensitive I didn't take her treatment towards me to heart and we are speaking just fine as before after 30 minutes. I am in my mid twenties and I noticed that I have a handle on my emotions better though I consider myself as having improper emotional development. I'm guessing it's just a part of growing older if at least biologically.

Have you experienced this, or even found yourself more emotional as you've gotten older?

Google Chrome now targets ads based on your browser history, here's how to turn that off
  • Honestly, yes you guys should move to Firefox. I pretty much stayed on Chrome until chromium Edge was a thing. I tried that and ended up using that until they bloated it to hell and back, so I am back to using Firefox. Honestly just use anything but Chrome.

  • Google Chrome now targets ads based on your browser history, here's how to turn that off
  • You'd think that fediverse users would understand that the most..

  • What do you think will happen to the middle class in the next five decades?

    With inflation, soaring costs of living, the housing crisis, climate change and more devastating impacts that seems to crush the global middle class, what do you think our society will look like in the future? Do you think any of these problems will be addressed effectively?

    Anti-male gender bias deters men from healthcare, early education, and domestic career fields, study suggests
  • That part about female pedophiles being accepted is an exaggeration, has no bearing on reality and doesn't help any cause. Yes, women aren't treated as guilty as men are for sex crimes against children, but even then this paranoia is spreading against women as well. For example, my coworker told me that she had a neighboring young boy that would go to her farm on occasion and she ended up taking precautions out of fear of being accused and sued, in similar way to what a man would do.

  • Anti-male gender bias deters men from healthcare, early education, and domestic career fields, study suggests
  • Bias against men and women aren't made against and reinforced by members only just of the opposite sex. As you just shown as examples male parents of children can he just if not more discriminatory against other men themselves and it's just as wrong.

    Also, this is still a mostly American problem isn't it?

  • X officially takes on LinkedIn with its new job posting feature
  • I really don't get it all job boards / websites are the exact same can of shit and don't offer any unique opportunities or anything

  • Netflix: Streamer's expansion into gaming is 'natural extension'
  • Me personally, though gaming being a large and lucrative industry this kind of move feels like just something that they thought they can do to expand their services rather than trying to actually offer something compelling with understanding the challenges of it all

  • The Lively Neighborhoods That Can't Be Built in the US
  • Well, these will always be the big top barriers to that sort of thing

  • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
  • Also, for me, it's the fact I do not feel my data and privacy are being siphoned, sold, and fingerprinted on this platform. Another factor is that I feel the people and interactions are pure and authentic, rather than astroturfed and ambiguous. That may change as the fedicerse grows, but for now it is bringing me back of the older days of the internet.

  • As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • Exactly, the reality is when I open Twitter I see content that is at least relevant to my interests, where as the sorting on Mastodon are of things that are of absolutely no interest. There's a lot that you can say about algorithms, but there's a reason it was the way it was in the first place.

  • Kbin's Demographics Survey
  • I don't think that hill is so tiny here 😅

  • The demographics of Kbin | Survey
  • I was wrote this at 3 am leave me alone lol

  • The demographics of Kbin | Survey
  • They exist for sure, but the numbers are smaller and English speaking world has the plurality as well as the majority. Honestly I wish I could account for everyone equally as you would be surprised by whose on here.

    I hate to lump Europe and Africa all together a well and then separate North America by country but as you can see in the results it's done out of pure necessity

  • The demographics of Kbin | Survey
  • Sorry I rushed it out after the first poll locked out. I had bisexual before so I'll add it as soon as I can. I wanted gay and lesbian so people who wish to see the divide can do so I was hoping it wouldn't clutter too much and that's also another issue. I knew making this people would question the western and English speaking biases and whatnot but understand I struggle to reconciliate all the considerations while maintaining the data interesting and useful to look at/ digest

  • The demographics of Kbin | Survey
  • I had a updated the survey to a better platform, and included more options. :)

  • The demographics of Kbin | Survey
  • I had to switch platforms for the survey, check it out: