Eve online, despite not playing it as much as some others. It's as close to the MMORPG experience as I imagined it before ever playing one. Everything in that game is player driven, and that's just insane and so cool, and ultimately exhausting for someone who is slightly introverted and cba to be social after a long day. Fantastic game and community for those who have the social batteries for that kind of stuff.
They have a built in arachnophobia setting, it turns them into kittens.
Not stopping would require me to actually start first. I haven't gotten that far yet. Seems to be the difficult part.
Well, generally speaking the easiest way to do that is to stop only once you're past the 20k mark.
One of my all time favourites. I keep coming back to this every so often.
So many people seem to miss the whole point of this community. Don't worry, I get what you're doing and I think it's hilarious.
The Co-op mode exists if 1v1 isn't your cuppa. Usually its more relaxed as long as you know a little bit about what to do in each map.
Personally I like automating my defense setup as well. You can also tune the enemy frequency down a lot, so that theyre not a major threat for a long time, but something that you need to deal with somehow in the long run.
Yeah I guess I can see that. I do enjoy his worldbuilding though.
Whats wrong with Mistborn? Have not read that series but I did enjoy Stormlight archive.
I think they were talking about the current playtest. I'm sure they'll invite more to the next testing phase though.
I thought it was very good. Stephenson does have a tendency to get really into whatever the subject matter of his story is, eg. cryptography in cryptonomicon, MMOs and gaming in REAMDE, Alan turing and AI in The Diamond Age etc. I find it to be an endearing aspect lf his writing. Definitely recommend Seveneves.
Been playing a lot of Remnant 2 lately, great game solo or with friends. Very cool of you to do these kinds of giveaways.
Even if it is voluntary, what exactly are you thanking them for when you thank them for their service? Very confused.
I'd say so, but it's still a grind.
There have been some positive changes to the economy lately. Rewards have gone up, free FPE and parts to name a few. Play a few games, see if you can see a difference. My SL count has been rising more rapidly lately compared to before so I'm happy.
Riippuu siitä tekeekö töitä kotoa vai konttorilla. Kotona työläppäri asustaa pelikoneen vieressä ja voitte arvata miten paljon töitä siellä tulee tehtyä. Konttorilla kuollut aika menee Lemmyyn ja youtubeen. Vielä kaksi viikkoa lomaan...
Varsinkin ennen nukkumaanmenoa. Ainakin omalla kohdalla huomannu että unenlaatu paranee jos lukee kirjaa mielummin kuin selailee jotain turhuuksia puhelimella.
As one of the reasons for the upgrades, kiitos.