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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 1
Comments 50
  • If you WANT to say transracial or transspecies or transnational is a thing, by all means do some research and prove it through studies and peer review. Until then, it is unlikely to be recognized the same way that transgender has because it has a lot of supporting evidence.

    I want to play a game with you. You're demanding evidence for something that some people have a lot of experience with, but most people don't care to investigate. I wanna do the same thing.

    I've decided that fish aren't real. I want you to link a scientific journal article that says fish are real. Not one that presupposes the existence of fish in general, one that asks if fish actually exist and asserts an answer from evidence.

    If you can't prove fish are real, why should anyone have to prove otherkin are real?

    Buuuuuuuut, if you really want scientific articles on otherkin....

  • "Politics"
  • but, let’s not equivocate gender and species

    No. Otherkin are valid. The social construct of species isn't.

    Asexual reproduction. Sapiens-Neanderthal hybrids. Tree grafting. Speciation is nonsense with no basis in empirical observation. The only reason it's become an accepted paradigm in the scientific community is that the convenience outweighs the inaccuracy in a lab context. It doesn't when we're talking about otherkin. When we're talking about otherkin, the cost of continuing to believe in the made up nonsense that is species is too high.

  • "Politics"
  • Sometimes comic artists and other creatives put characters in their works who have bad opinions they disagree with. Pizzacake doesn't agree with the opinion that men can't be raped, she just depicted it in a comic. Depiction isn't the same as agreement. If it was, then George Lucas would be a Sith and Mary Shelley would be an abusive parent.

  • a strong beak, of course
  • I can't see it, my instance has downvotes disabled. But I figured. Lemmy is a toxic and kinphobic place. A bunch of crabs in consensus reality's bucket, trying to keep the rest of us from escaping.

  • "Pro-Life" Rule
  • I dunno. I haven't had a long enough conversation with one to tell. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Last time we assumed a group of beings were subhuman and enslaved them, it wasn't good.

  • Trump unveils his new diplomatic plan
