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NotTheOnlyGamer NotTheOnlyGamer
Posts 7
Comments 360
KES 4.1.0: Improving the signal to noise ratio by blocking unsolicited ads
  • Preventing this issue doesn't seem like a userscript issue (though that's definitely a good start).I think the auto report function is severely needed; it's happening everywhere. If the script can automatically block any user whose post it suppresses, it would be awesome.

    But I think the issue is that we need to get support top-down on this.

  • So much spam
  • The only way to resolve this situation is to get Ernest to delegate some of the instance moderation and amount. Every other path forward leads to failure.

  • The Day Before Could Be Revived
  • But they can't get the game they were promised from the game that was released. They were promised a zombie MMO, not a limited extraction shooter.

  • The Day Before Could Be Revived
  • That's fine and all, but I have one question. Why would you want to want to revisit the biggest video game scam in recent memory?

  • Why is kbin so full of empty stuff?
  • I'm going to present the opposite opinion to yours here. Kbin represents the best way forward for social media, to me. If we can get a working PeerTube integration after Threads federates, I'm all set. It's what Google Plus was supposed to be, it's why I first (as a user) used TweetDeck back in the day. It puts everything in one place again. I was a LiveJournal user back in the day, which was another place like this - communication & community, but individual places for your thoughts. I tried Tumblr for a while and it was close to an LJ replacement.

    Everything since then has fractured and fragmented so we have very aggressive echo chambers, but no private places. This might be able to give that back to the users.

    I accept that it can feel like drinking from the firehose at the start. It was to me at first too, but I was aware of Lemmy early on, and I was on two Mastodon instances that didn't cofederate. I knew what I was going in for. I stepped back from Kbin when a known tech issue degraded my experience, and it's been fixed. I think the thing is that Kbin allows you to curate your own experience, rather than be tied into doing one thing or another all the time.

    I think when Kbin is ready for prime time and when the major issues are fixed, there might be a need to look at the first-timer experience, maybe even a tutorial. Because it's not a beginner focused interface. It's meant for us who want it all back in one place, and accepted the burden of experience that means.

  • How do we feel about Flipboard federating?
  • Pitchfork being on an alternative social platform just feels right to me. So I say, go for it.

  • Dev Behind Highly Regarded PC Game Explains Why He Raised The Price: "Go Pirate It, I Don't Care"
  • Well, if he doesn't care, then I just might bother the time and effort to pirate it. But then again, a dismissive creator who's working with Markiplier isn't someone I'm really keen on supporting in the first place. I wish him luck, and that he is approximately as successful as I am in financial terms.

  • How do we feel about federating with Threads?
  • Because Threads presents an opportunity to grow the community on ActivityPub services, and because the Fediverse presents the opportunity to extend the community I'm involved in that's on Threads right now. My hope is that if that group respects what the Fediverse offers, they will also start sharing the podcast on PeerTube

  • Every year, one of the highlights for our crew is helping set up the giant Christmas Tree at City Hall.
  • You know, it would be more environmentally friendly just to plant one tree and decorate it while it's alive, instead of chopping down a living tree and transporting it.

  • So... it's been a while now since the great exodus. How are you all doing my fellow refugees?
  • kbin finally has notifications not throwing an error every time I try to check them, so that much is nice now. I've actually had no problems with the Reddit software on my phone, and I've unsubbed from most of the communities I was part of there which moved across to lemmy. That choice has really trimmed my experience down to a more focused one nicely. I've also gotten done turning federation back off as I want it to be, and my user block list here is getting pretty long, blocking out the spammers that come across my feed.

    Of course, because kbin is still one of the smallest sites related to the ActivityPub protocol, there's limited content here compared to Reddit, Then again, there's also less content on all of PeerTube (let alone a single site) than there is on YouTube, and I'd take a shot at saying that even Threads has the largest Mastodon community beat by a country mile, let alone what Twitter still has.

    So basically, I guess I'd say I'm not a refugee, I'm just doing as I did with Facebook when it first launched after MySpace and Friendster - keeping my options open and looking around.

  • YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don't turn off your ad-blocker
  • How many millions are you paying them? Because unless you're paying into the business tier or an SLA, you are not their customer.

  • YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don't turn off your ad-blocker
  • Funny, they're actively making it worse any time I try to lower my shields too. They've changed, very recently, from a video hosting platform with ads, to an advertising platform with some minor videos in between.

  • I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE (Installs Linux Mint)
  • @CyberCatBytes Funny, every time I've tried Linux, it's ended in tears, and installing FreeDOS to run Format ., because Linux doesn't even have that command.

  • OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say
  • I think it's time to shut it down, hard. That's the start of something that will not end well for human beings.

  • Netflix handed a director millions to make a sci-fi series, but he squandered it on stocks, crypto, and flashy cars: NYT
  • Always good to see Netflix lose a little money. Hopefully it's the beginning of a pattern and streaming services start having to shut down.

  • Are there resources or retroclones for Epic v1?

    One of the LPers I watch has been playing Final Liberation, which reminded me how much I enjoy that game. It's also reminded me how much I liked Epic.

    Are there any retroclones or resources for Epic nowadays?

    /kbin meta NotTheOnlyGamer

    Will it ever be possible for kbin to federate with PeerTube?

    I know this is a silly question, especially as I'm currently focused on local-only feeds, but there's just one part of the Fediverse I wish would get more love: PeerTube. While there aren't a lot of people actively looking for alternative video hosts outside the big guys (Twitch, YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.), it would be nice to see wider adoption of PeerTube. I think better integration with other softwares would be helpful in that regard, if for no other reason than just that it brings attention to the services available.


    Why do fast food places give out so much sauce? I got 4 chicken nuggets and some fries, asked for mayonnaise for the fries, they gave me three packets. Got honey mustard for the nuggets, and they gave

    Why do fast food places give out so much sauce? I got 4 chicken nuggets and some fries, asked for mayonnaise for the fries, they gave me three packets. Got honey mustard for the nuggets, and they gave me two tubs of it. Are people really using 1.66 oz. of sauce on 4 tiny nuggets?


    /kbin meta NotTheOnlyGamer

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    If you're here from Reddiit, please remember to use the boost link in the post rather than the Upvote button, as the Upvote is meaningless to a user's reputation.

