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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Do flat earthers think other planets are flat? All of them or some of them? Are stars (including and excluding the sun) flat too?
  • I’ve heard some say that they think the moon is a real, spherical body in the sky. While others disagree and think it’s either a simulation or something else entirely.

    The problem with them is that they all have a different idea that goes with their view of this conspiracy theory so they all believe something different than the next. The grouping of them is so small that they never got a chance to really develop a singular idea beyond agreeing among themselves that the world is flat.

  • Fingers crossed my trap works
  • I did this and it worked, somewhat.

    I used an old wet food for cats can outside with soy sauce and olive oil and the whole thing was covered with earwigs within the first hour after the sun went down. I buried it in the ground so that the lid was at ground level so they could just walk right into the oil which would be better than hoping they climb the side and fall in.

    I’m not sure how much of an impact it really made because I was more so trying to get them away from my house, either pulling them away or wiping them out on my property.

    But I also turned off a motion activated LED light I had and that stopped them from congregating around my patio door.

    You may be able to use that to your advantage if you get a few small LED lights and put them in areas away from your garden. Lure them away from where you want them to be. Maybe even put these traps under the lights to increase them.

  • unlocking a DRM iTunes audio file from before they were unlocked
  • I did this recently. I bought an album off iTunes and Apple Music fucked my library up so I had to revert to a backup which happened to be before I backed up that album. That album is no longer available for my region, according to iTunes, and iTunes/Apple support has been unhelpful in completely ignoring all my support tickets to ask how I can download a copy of this album I paid for.

    Fuck it. I downloaded the app from less than legal ways. I did pay for the album, after all.

  • 24 July 2024
  • Yeah I’ve seen that when using a VPN and that’s what I was referring to in my previous comment (sorry for the lack of clarity on that part). But I’m getting this on my desktop at home when not using a VPN. I don’t get it in the Firefox app on my iPhone (which is essentially just Safari with a Firefox skin and allowing me to use my Firefox account in the browser) when browsing on the same network. I have seen it when I enable VPN on my iPhone or connected to a network with a public VPN. Now that I say that, that makes me sure my public IP likely isn’t blocked or else I’d get the same on my iPhone on the same network.

    All I can think of is that it has to do with some extra privacy settings I’ve enabled in Firefox that is causing Reddit to freak out and show that message, not letting me even view their site, let alone being able to access the page to create an account. I let Firefox enable some very strict anti-tracking settings that I sometimes have to temporarily disable or use another device if I want to visit some sites. I wouldn’t be surprised if Reddit is in this same boat and that’s why they show me that message.

  • 24 July 2024
  • They blocked my IP or maybe Firefox is blocking some bullshit telemetry they’re trying to use. Either way, fuck them.

    I just wish they would stop polluting the search results when I’m searching for something. I guess I’ll get an extension to block them.

  • Pirated Movies Flood YouTube, Millions of Views on Compromised Channels.
  • I am pleasantly surprised at the episodes of old TV shows I’ve found there. I grew up with some very obscure direct to VHS movies/shows and was surprised to find many available there!

    Definitely need to be uploaded there. We can’t trust Google to keep those up and available.

  • What's the ~~Cloud~~CrowdStrike thing going on?
  • Are you sure this was the product key and not a Bitlocker key?

    This was another part of the hurdle for the CrowdStrike issue where if the machine required a Bitlocker key, this caused an additional headache for those working to resolve these issues.

    Speaking for my team, we didn’t have a lot of machines on CrowdStrike and none with Bitlocker enabled so this wasn’t a problem for us, thankfully.

    The Bitlocker key is a key that will show up when a Windows computer is restarted and won’t allow you to actually log into Windows until you can provide this key. You either need to type it or you can use a USB key to have it entered on some machines too. It’s used for encrypting the hard drive and would make sense for a medical office where they deal with sensitive information that needs to stay protected like your work setting.

  • What's the ~~Cloud~~CrowdStrike thing going on?
  • The correct name is CrowdStrike and it’s basically antivirus monitoring software that many organizations use on their computers/servers to warn of threats and provide protection through blocking the threats.

    The issue was that CrowdStrike released an update that basically bricked Windows computers that were on and active. The driver file caused Windows to go into a constant “blue screen of death” that prevented people from logging into their computers/servers.

    The main issue with this was the resolution which wasn’t easy. To fix, you had to reboot the machine into “safe mode” which is a mode of Windows that basically disables everything but the most essential Microsoft services and programs. Once in safe mode, you were able to delete the file and then reboot and then the machine would later pick up the newer update that wouldn’t brick your machine. The problem with this is that this had to be manually on each machine. No automated process was found (at the time of me looking at it, anyway) and many organizations have hundreds if not thousands or even millions, in some cases, of machines that this would have to be done on. Not only that, but this also affected user machines even those who work remotely. Imagine trying to walk a user with little to no technical experience through that process because you cannot use any sort of remote software to do this.

    Because of all this, it led to mass chaos for many organizations. Turns out a lot of businesses were using this which caused the massive global impact.

    They’re saying this is probably the worst global outage we’ve ever experienced as of yet because of this.

    It should be noted that CrowdStrike is also compatible for Linux and Mac machines too but these weren’t affected because the bug was only compatible with Windows machines.

  • does anyone use a modern screen-foldable phone as their regular phone?
  • A relative of mine does and has had 2 versions of this Samsung one. He loves it.

    I do not like it because the crease is extremely noticeable and is filled with dust and debris and very noticeable to sight and touch. I don’t have one but I was using his for a project he wanted me to do while he went out of town recently.

  • Take Two warns investors that review bombings can hurt profits
  • So don’t do shit that pisses off your customers and then you don’t have to worry about bad reviews, “review bombing” or not.

    A company like Take Two has been in this industry long enough to know what customers like and don’t like and has no excuse to act like these negative reviews just are coming out of thin air, unrelated to the anti-consumer things they do in the games they release.

  • All jokers fault probably
  • The city of Gotham has been shown to be very corrupt, so higher taxes may not exactly fix the issue. This was seen very heavily in the police department before and even during Gordon becoming police commissioner. This is why Gordon and a lot of the civilians embrace the Batman figure because he’s not corrupt.

  • What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly?

    There’s this woman I work with who seems to have her accent change randomly.

    Some days she sounds like a typical American accent, then others she sounds like she has a Caribbean accent and others she sounds like she has a French accent, and others she sounds like she has an Arabic accent. Other days her voice is super messed up, like she’s been screaming.

    Beyond her voice changing, she is an odd person to work with. She’s gotten into public, loud vocal spats with other coworkers even in meetings. She was very nice and sweet with me when I first had to interact with her but that all changed when I made an honest mistake one time and she went off on me and wouldn’t stop until I ignored her and now I just keep my distance unless I have to. Others have said similar things about her as well.

    I’ve wondered if maybe she has a personality disorder, but I would think that would also cause her to not do her job correctly?

    I don’t know, I’m just curious. This is something I’ve never experienced before and wondering what this could be.


    Is there a permanent way to disable auto orientation?

    Hey all,

    I got a decent 2 in 1 from work and installed Pop on it and loving the experience so far but is there a way to disable the auto orientation? Sometimes I move the laptop to the side and the whole screen goes crazy and moves to the side despite me just moving an inch.

    I found the toggle in the upper right to disable this and that works but resets on next reboot and I always shut down because the battery on this thing needs to be replaced. So the behavior returns each time I boot up the computer.

    AskPhysics NoneYa

    Could a small planet actually be possible?

    Was watching Rick and Morty on the Season 3 premiere and they have that very small planet that the family goes to to escape. The planet is humorously small in that it is noticeable round while walking. The planet also apparently has animals and breathable air for humans. At one point, Rick goes to the South Pole of the planet and goes into a cave that takes him to the core of the planet which is shown as being smaller than him, from what I remember and what it looked like.

    Could a planet like this actually exist with all of these features, only being a few acres in size, at most? Would a breathable atmosphere be possible? Would a core be present at all?

    To put it in more realistic terms, the planet would be the size of Manhattan Island in New York City but folded to be round.


    If Hitler was captured, what would have been his punishment in the Nuremberg Trials?

    This is assuming he’d have been found guilty for leading the Nazi government like others were.

    Edit: of course it would likely be death, but was wondering what specific means of death would have been carried out for him.


    What’s the grossest food to watch someone eat?


    What would the inverse of what we have now in the atmosphere be like?

    Just curious what an inverted reality of ours would be like, where instead of having too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creating glasshouse gas effect, what would the inverse be like where we don’t have enough carbon dioxide in our atmosphere? What would the climate of earth be like?

    iPhone NoneYa

    Anyone else having issues with the 80% charging on 15?

    I enabled that new setting to limit charging to 80% and it’s worked well so far but every once in a while, I catch the phone charging to above 80%. Like right now, my phone is saying it’s at 85% despite the 80% limit being enabled. I confirmed in the settings it’s still enabled and didn’t somehow get disabled.

    Anyone else experiencing the same?

    Mine is the iPhone 15 Pro 512GB


    How to remove smell from lunch box?

    I have this lunch box that is huge but works really well for me. I made a mistake a few weeks ago by leaving rotten food in it over the weekend and the stench is unbearable.

    This lunch box has a removable interior made of some kind of plastic so I removed it and soaked it in warm water and dish soap for 48 hours in the sink and then I scrubbed the interior with a sponge.

    When I got done, it still smelled like rotten food! I also cleaned the lid which isn’t removable but made of the same material. But just used the sponge on it.

    Sticking my head inside is where I smell it most, so I think it’s the removable tub.

    I also tried teabags as I heard of something like this with smelly shoes, but now my lunch box smells like feet lol.

    So I’m at a loss. I love this box and don’t want to trash it. It was hard finding one like it.

    Anything else I can try?

    Edit: thanks for the suggestions! I forgot to mention that I did put some vinegar and baking soda in last night and kept the lid closed. I’ll leave it this way until tomorrow night and see.

    Thanks for the suggestions!


    The phrase “last moments on earth” may have a very different meaning in the near future due to extended space travel and colonies on other worlds


    What’s the least amount of money that would significantly improve your life?


    Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”?

    I noticed that I and Alexa say “six ‘oh’ five a m”, but is that the correct way of saying the time? Specifically the “oh” part?

    Kind of like when speaking out a phone number, how we might say “my number is one two three, six ‘oh’ six…” but really, that’s not an “oh” like the letter O even though it looks like an O, but everyone knows the person is saying “six zero six”, which is the proper way of saying that.

    Edit: thanks for all the answers everyone! This was just pure curiosity for me but I really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses and learning some new things!
