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NightLily NightLily

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Posts 12
Comments 22
Is it impossible for toast to fall before it's been buttered?
  • This sounds like evil magic I won't have a part of this!

  • Is it impossible for toast to fall before it's been buttered?
  • No it just self butters itself whilst falling. Only impossible for it to hit the floor whilst unbuttered.

  • Solutions to the fermi paradox on the compass
  • in the unflaired section I'd guess since they aren't following the prompt.

  • Is Mr Beast a good person?
  • From his own personal content I haven't seen a single thing that would indicate otherwise though I'm not entirely up to date with what he's made. I think the majority of people who no longer directly work with Mr. Beast had nothing negative to say about him when they parted ways.

  • I did rad-centre and lib-centre. left-centre, right-centre and auth-centre to go.

  • Meet the Monke.
  • what you mean can't you see the green background and yellow monke?

  • AuthRight flair Can confirm thought you were actually a lib-left.

  • What's the 3 apps that you can't live without?
  • Calculator, message and phonebook...

  • Leftists 5 seconds after being asked if they are tolerant.

    Political Compass of Idle games.
  • Yes you did welcome to hell.

  • Meet the Rad-centres.



    I am shaking and crying right now
  • WTF! Auth-centre would never say this this is blatant lib-centre propaganda again.

  • Political Compass of Idle games.
  • never played it. So yeah.

  • Political Compass of Idle games.
  • NGU Idle has too much going on if you ever drop it to feel like getting back into to be honest however this, idle wizard, Underworld Idle and Idling to Rule the Gods are probably the best true idlers of the bunch. Though I haven't got very far into the orb pondering game and it may become more interactive like NGU Idle does (Which is annoying)

    Your Chronicle is very different to your typical idler would recommend not starting with it.

    Idle space Raider and Grim Clicker don't want to be idlers and actively fight you trying to play that way in my opinion.

    Idle Territory is not an idler the first 10+ hours have to be played manually it's a terrible experience.

    Underworld Idle you kinda have to just leave running over night sometimes cause the game doesn't do any calculations when you turn it off but it's definitely my second most liked.

    Bitburner very good would recommend has a nice wiki to get you past the early game content as well.

  • Political Compass of Idle games.

    Territory Idle - literally buy land hire workers sell the land for profit.

    NGU Idle - Literally just to fight the power to make money.

    Grim Clicker - Monke wack thing that get in way.

    Bitburner - MAKE MONEY.

    Idle Space Raider - You are basically the space police...

    Idle Wizard - Imma just ponder that orb real quick.

    Underworld idle - Built on the back of the sacrifice of our comrades.

    Your Chronicle - Having a loving father simulator.

    Idling to Rule the Gods - Auth-centre's wet dream.

    What the Fish (spelt Ghoti) doing?
  • Probably never yugioh memes are meh

  • What the Fish (spelt Ghoti) doing?

    Muslims winning at being AuthRight
  • Automod why are you being sentient smh?

  • Yet another W for muslims
  • Muslim Lib-left banning pride flags and auth-centre republicans getting slapped? Yeah this doesn't seem to be much of a PCM.

  • Lib-lefts and there crazy notions 10k people dying in a storm at sea is clearly the will of Poseidon!


    The new added context feature really helps out lib-rights doesn't it?

    First order of business
  • This space really isn't ready to get fully off the ground at this very moment. I think it'll take a while for that to happen so I don't think they'll be advertising there for a while to come yet. Don't want too many refugees coming in.

  • I simp for Twitch Executives mansions TBQH
  • I dunno why you are reeeing there is no rule against them?

  • I simp for Twitch Executives mansions TBQH
  • The broken down Honda civic that he owns.

  • I simp for Twitch Executives mansions TBQH

  • The bot is dead didn't you see Nerds comment smh.

  • Rare Libleft W



