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Progressive Politics globally, Climate, Animal Welfare, Nordic Noir. Wellington, New Zealand
(Te Whanganui-a-Tara).

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kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

The nasty comments from MAGA world about #guswalz - who loves his father deeply and shows his emotions honestly - underscores just how narrow and limited their world is. #dnc #harriswalz

The nasty comments from MAGA world about #guswalz - who loves his father deeply and shows his emotions honestly - underscores just how narrow and limited their world is. #dnc #harriswalz @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

I love Barack Obama's reference to the women who were our grandmothers and mothers. They embodied a decency and civility of that time - and that we long for today. #dnc

I love Barack Obama's reference to the women who were our grandmothers and mothers. They embodied a decency and civility of that time - and that we long for today. #dnc @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

Keep hearing info/intel that #Florida is "in play" for #harriswalz (3% of new Dem volunteers are Republicans, lawn signs, general buzz).

Keep hearing info/intel that #Florida is "in play" for #harriswalz (3% of new Dem volunteers are Republicans, lawn signs, general buzz). In a podcast last week, respected pollster, Celinda Lake, advised Dem campaign is laser focused on the key 7 swing States and won't be distracted from that + FL is an expensive media market. Could they at least start sending more top surrogates to FL - there's 30 EC votes to consider? #uspol @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

"I'm better looking than Kamala Harris"

"I'm better looking than Kamala Harris" Trump in PA. Ok this man is insane and stupid. It's yet more personal attack which is tanking his polling but on a reality check basis - he looks like an old orange sack of flaccid. @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews #harriswalz

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

The Mercers & co and the tech bros surely must now realise that Trump's a bad investment. He can't change. And a cocktail of dementia, hatred and narcissistic envy won't return Trump to the White

The Mercers & co and the tech bros surely must now realise that Trump's a bad investment. He can't change. And a cocktail of dementia, hatred and narcissistic envy won't return Trump to the White House.

@kamalaharrisforpresidentnews #kamalaharris #harriswalz #uspol

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

In UK, Australia/NZ and northern Europe, #kamalaharris would be seen as a moderate social democrat/slightly centre-left politician. Her advocacy to raise the minimum wage and ensure access to

In UK, Australia/NZ and northern Europe, #kamalaharris would be seen as a moderate social democrat/slightly centre-left politician. Her advocacy to raise the minimum wage and ensure access to healthcare etc are mainstream in other western democratic polities. So when GOP politicians (many of whom do hold extreme views) label her "communist" "radical left" its met with a mixture of derision and disbelief in other western countries. #uspol @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

Hailey Mary pass by Trump to replace his VP as his campaign spirals downwards re: "the hack".

Hailey Mary pass by Trump to replace his VP as his campaign spirals downwards re: "the hack". (Hailey would be mad to accept - but who knows) #uspol #harriswalz #kamalaharris @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

Sept 10 Debate

Sept 10 Debate When Trump lies and employs gish gallop technique...Harris' prosecutorial experience in zoning in on the lies and halting the constant randomness will be highly effective. Plus her general emotional maturity and the way she comports herself will contrast sharply with Trump's self-pitying body language and childish name calling. #uspol #kamalaharris @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

kamalaharrisforpresidentnews DrD

Maybe at 78, not exactly in the best of shape and tired of the stump, Trump lacks the stamina and enthusiasm to run a rally-intensive campaign (which he thought he wouldn't need to do against Biden).

Maybe at 78, not exactly in the best of shape and tired of the stump, Trump lacks the stamina and enthusiasm to run a rally-intensive campaign (which he thought he wouldn't need to do against Biden). #uspol #kamalaharris @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews